Who’s on when?


I’m a alliance 29, and I’ll most likely be playing around the hours of 5:00PM-12:00PM Central Time.

I think it would be cool, if instead of setting up premades, we all just post the hours we would expect to be on. Personally, I’m a fan of competitive and close matches. It sucks when your side sweeps some leveling toons trying to pvp while gearing. So if we can just nonchalantly coordinate a bit, as in y’all know I’d be on around then, we could all start having more consistently even battlegrounds.

Just a thought, but like I said, I play 5-12.

I could try to create an excel spreadsheet of all the hours for everyone to see if you guys think this is worth doing.

Remember, the hours you’d post are just estimates, we all should expect the randomness of life to vary it. If there are trends, it could help us streamline the randomness for days when a lot of us are playing.
8:30am to 10:30am CST!
U guys on the other end of the world........
Get afternoon shifts so u can be on in the morning!
Or if at school, home school! :p
Sat & Sun is my best chance of bumping into people.
Otherwise, it’s the solo life for me!
Usually I play at random times.. it just depends on when Eddie logs in really. But I agree, more competitive games would be a great thing for the community.
Argh, another pussy who playing only with pre-made groups with 4 healers.... ;] I hate this kind of ppl.
lol good thing this doesn't apply to ur region then
Argh, another pussy who playing only with pre-made groups with 4 healers.... ;] I hate this kind of ppl.

Actually, I play alone as well! I just usually end up meeting random people in games that are cool, then party up. 95% of the people I party up with I have just met. That’s what I love about this community. It’s fun just meeting chill players just trying to have good games, and getting to learn from someone else. I honestly think if this could help more diversity be created in games, by players who are trying to have gear, it would be consistently more fun. Players would all become better and change games.

I play ally, and like I said I’m talking about the horde and ally schedules aligning for better games. Sometimes they feel like they are opposites and you only catch the fringe or ending. Also, I understand time zones play a big role.

I’ll make a spreadsheet tho, cuz that’s fairly easy :)
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Just queue!, youre alliance bro like 90% of the twinks in the bracket. Competitive games are far less common place in BFA compared to Legion in my experience. Still some people like farming gy's /shrug

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