*Who is the #1 Monk? (EU included)*

Top Monke?

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Alpha and Omega
Now, I know there has been a rash of new monks popping up all over the place lately, so please don’t get offended if you made a monk and don’t see your twink’s name. I have only VERY recently become active again, after a couple of months of mostly inactivity, and so haven’t really gotten the chance to fully appreciate all the new monks out there. These are just ten good candidates that came to my mind, and who I feel are candidates as good as any.

Baloo: I think this guy is known as Vladar in the EU. His main distinction is that he was apparently the first 19 monk in the World to have double shadowfangs. Given that Shinobi was leveled by The Hacker, it is also quite possible that he is once again the ONLY 19 monk in the world to have double shadowfangs. As this person resides in the mysterious EU, someone from that region will have to chime in on his undoubtedly accurate barrel tosses.

Be: The newest half of LSFTW’s mistweaver monk team, Be, otherwise known as Yoube, has made a splash on the scene with his channeled heals . As Dontdodrugs bragged on TwinkInfo, LSFTW now has a monopoly on all the mistweaver monks in the bracket. Even though that is not entirely true, with the acquisition of Be, they now have the two most prevalent mistweavers.

Cogbrew: Looking through this list, Cogbrew has been a dude that has stuck with the brewmaster monk spec from very early on in MoP or the prepatch. I think he played a hunter in Cata, but has found a new calling tossing barrels at his foes rather than arrows. What I notice most about Cogbrew is his sneaky use of the monk deathgrip thing. He likes to grip enemy FC’s down from the ramp up to horde roof, using it to great effect from what I’ve seen.

Monkibizniz: This guy is pretty new on the scene, and has taken on the challenge of FCing as a windwalker monk. Now, you may think this sounds silly, but they can probably zoom across mid faster than a druid with their flying serpent kick and momentum talent. He has also shown a decent ability to kite once in the alliance base, though that obviously declines at 4 stacks with the loss of movement increasing abilities.

Monkworkz: While he hasn’t been so active lately that I’ve seen, Workz’s relatively recent pioneering of the windwalker spec gets him a spot in this poll. Looking back a few months to when monks were just beginning to hit the scene, this was really the guy who first impressed me with his ability to use windwalker abilities to his advantage. He just constantly rolled around, kicking and slowing people, in a way that I had not seen before.

Neap: Neap is like the yin to Be’s yang, the apple to his orange, the cat to his dog. If you’ve ever heard the phrase ‘the sum is greater than the parts’, it applies to this team of monks. I almost wish I can include Neap and Be as a single choice in the poll, but that would go against my best feelings. Neap was the first prevalent mistweaver that I saw in the bracket, and has stayed active through thick and thin, channeling endless mist heals on Shamrock as he jumps around FCing on the horde tunnel.

Shinobi: This monk, otherwise known as Sneaky, was a new up and coming windwalker on the scene. He had factioned gear, double shadowfangs, the works. However, disaster struck right as he came in to his prime, as The Hacker leveled Shinobi to 20. Now with a new monk to his name, Shinobi once again graces the gulch with his presence, utilizing such strategies as double crusader weapon switching.

Tombradymonk: Thinking back to the beginning of MoP, Tombradymonk really stands out as the pioneer of the brewmaster spec. Now, we all knew that the chucking of barrels had potential, but it was in Slyddur’s organized pugmades that we REALLY saw the CC potential of brewmasters. Tombrady accompanied a kiting defense, terminally slowing any pursuers with his barrels, and barrel rolling back to his teammates whenever he got dangerously far behind. We weren’t sure whether to CC him, kill him, or what, back in those days.

Twinkesaurus: This guy, otherwise known as ‘The Hacker’, is more on the list for his notoriety than his skillful playing of the monk class. What we do know is that he is a damn good hacker. I’ve never even seen him in WSG, so others will have to chime in on that. My personal theory is that Twinkesaurus leveled Shinobi out of the bracket because he wanted to be the top monk, but it is now up to the poll voters to decide upon that.

Xdabarrels: Otherwise known as Xdabeast, and Xdasham, this guy has graduated from Cata hunter, to MoP rsham/bm monk/feral, a fairly respectable change. While mostly known for playing shaman, he is also a brewmaster, and I believe that he premades for LSFTW on his monk. What impresses me most about Xda is his lightning fast flag clicks.
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change the record dori ffs -.-
Oooohh i dont made it into the list :D BTW: Baloo don't play windwalker from what i know.. everytime i played vs him he was brewmaster so no flying serpent kicks :D
Oooohh i dont made it into the list :D BTW: Baloo don't play windwalker from what i know.. everytime i played vs him he was brewmaster so no flying serpent kicks :D

Good call, edited his description - was just thinking windwalker because of double sfang. Sorry, I know I put you in rogue last time at least ;p
Yeh but i dont really deserved it to be the only person from EU on your old rogue list :D There were other people that should be in there. btw i think you should make 5 EU 5 US in the next lists. so the EU people have more than 1 choice. Would be more accurate in the end
ive never seen a good monk besides works and brady but neither one recently and i was inactive during sneakys rein so im afraid i cannot vote in this poll /wrist
nazzr is by far the best one hes prob best twink @ 19 overall atm i love him
I voted for Shinobi. It is what she would have wanted if she was still among us.


Also Dory, Smittfu got 2 Shadowfangs recently so Vladar is not alone.
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dying in one fist of fury from shinobi kind of pissed me off, even when i was really stoned. hats off for aggravating me when im stoned
I voted for Twinkasaurus. If you're reading this Twinkasaurus just know this is my first testament of loyalty to you. Please do not hack me. I am a full time supporter of yours now for many years to come.
I voted for Twinkasaurus. If you're reading this Twinkasaurus just know this is my first testament of loyalty to you. Please do not hack me. I am a full time supporter of yours now for many years to come.

Oh have some respect for the fallen, would ya?

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