Who has 450 gathering professions?

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I got it on my 19 rogue and I do have 375+ on my hunter, but It pretty much sucks that its grandfathered now.
I had started a new shaman and got both mining and skinning to 375 and trained for grand master just haven't gotten them to 450 yet. Hopefully soon, grinding to lvl 80 is taking my time right now.
I have 450/450, but I fear my days are numbered. I don't even know if it will be fun to be so OP.
I have 450 on my 49s, but those buffs aren't as much of an impact as they are down at 19. They're just extras after I leveled out of JC.
Drayner said:
I have 450/450, but I fear my days are numbered. I don't even know if it will be fun to be so OP.

yea.. but you need all the help you can get ;)
Mazurati said:
yea.. but you need all the help you can get ;)

u dissing drayner?

lol jk...i got herb max and mining 375/450

and ima have so much fun being op

although im thinkin about making a "nub twink"...maybe a rogue in defias and duel fierys...it makes every BG feel like a premade lol
Mazurati said:
yea.. but you need all the help you can get ;)

He knows better Tetox. I might take some heat from being a whiny QQ, but they know I can play a lock. :)
i got both profs to 350 two minutes before the servers restarted o_o...i was so scared i wasnt gonna make it >.<...paid random people to bodyguard me for 4 herbs and 7 mines and that took 2 hours because i kept dying and for some reason hellfire felt like mocking me and taking all the nodes away right when i needed them the most :O...but i got them XD
Coldzhoulder said:
i got both profs to 350 two minutes before the servers restarted o_o...i was so scared i wasnt gonna make it >.<...paid random people to bodyguard me for 4 herbs and 7 mines and that took 2 hours because i kept dying and for some reason hellfire felt like mocking me and taking all the nodes away right when i needed them the most :O...but i got them XD

you just needed to get them to 375 and then train to 450 to be safe
i got 375 mining 450 skinning

so that might be more fun in the long run, not too far ahead to be owning everyone, but certainly ahead :p
i got my skining to 350/450 and mining to 275/375 jesterday and i had no nervest to full mining cos i knew im gona stop playing twink if they grandfather them.

i dont have zg shoulders:(

finaly i get a main to top lvl:d

im playing wow for more than 2 years now and never had a top lvl so it will be fun to try it out

and maby they gona change those again and i can play twinks once again
Wisperin said:
i got my skining to 350/450 and mining to 275/375 jesterday and i had no nervest to full mining cos i knew im gona stop playing twink if they grandfather them.

i dont have zg shoulders:(

finaly i get a main to top lvl:d

im playing wow for more than 2 years now and never had a top lvl so it will be fun to try it out

and maby they gona change those again and i can play twinks once again

how do you have 350/450 skinning and 275/375 mining?? :confused:
Wisperin said:
u need 50 skill in some rank to train new one...

for example u can have 50 mining and go train new rank... u dont have to have 75/75 to train rank 2 and get 75/150

oh yea! thx for the reminder. lawlz.
I got my mining to 342 last night when the maintenance kicked in, duh.

What kept me from breaking something was the fact that that I realised that I probably don't have enough exp left to make it to 450 anyway.
im :

376 / 450 herb

384 / 450 mining ,

on my pala : [char=eu-Chamber+of+Aspects]Phonebook[/char]

need to get 450 =| , been like that for way to long !
i have 450 skinning and 275/375 mining, just too lazy to level and dont want to risk the exp
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