Fairly well geared and enchanted (2k hp) survival hunter has almost 600 ap, glass gun hits 150-ish auto-shots against a somewhat lesser geared (1.6k hp) hunter. That other (BM) hunter was hitting 350 white, non-crit and 350 arcane shots, also non-crit. My question is, how is this possible? BM gets 30% ap vs 10% agi. (or roughly 20% ap equivalent) for survival, so that might explain 10% difference, but not 230%? 350 vs 150 is 230%. Arcane hits 72% white, plus 32, which should be about 150, unless that hunter has 1,400 ap? What is BiS ap for a hunter? Anyone know how a level 24 hunter can hit 350 non-crit auto-shots and 350 non-crit arcane shots? Is there any combination of buffs that get a 24 hunter to 1400 ap?