Which weapon on my Warlock!?

So, I recently made this warlock, and decided to twink him like a pro. I actually have a few questions about it.

1. Should I go with 20SD/16SP/10Haste to gloves?

2. Should I buy the pvp BoA, or use pouch+night/evocator's?

3. Which is overall better, the blueberry or the imp? I've been using the blueberry due to the shield, and the stealth breaking winmode.

Here's the armory [char=Magtheridon]Forumbeing[/char]

I only pug with him, and don't really plan to do many premades or arena. Thanks in advance guyz.
Is your twink horde?

If so, I woud get it a Dawnblade and Put +30 Sp on it, for the majority of the time you are fighting, I thought 22 int would be a good idea, but honestly , locks dont need mana very much, with Life tap and Drain life and so on.

if you are alliance, Get an Evocators Blade and whack 30 SP on it and give it a go.
[item]Shadowfang[/item] with fiery, can't beat it :3

Tick off all of the rogues that are questing/looking/wanting it. Impress your friends and get plenty of luls ^-^
Yay for locks! I love playing mine. Here is my take on things:

1. I have the +10 haste on my gloves, mainly because I haven't found someone with the +20 shadow chant yet on my server. Otherwise I would put that on. If I were you that is what I would go with on my gloves.

2. I have the PvP BoA in use with +29 SP (Still haven't found someone with the +30 SP yet...) I find that using the BoA is you get a bunch of great stats with it, plus it looks rad. I use the BoA because I honestly don't wanna take the time to grind rep with Timbermaw and have someone else waste their time for me. Whats nice about the BoA is you can give it to other twinks. I plan on making a priest and a mage eventually when I transfer to Ruin, so I can give them all the BoA's I have while I level them.

3. I have only played a couple games with my imp, otherwise I always use my voidwalker. He is tough as can be and the detect invisibility works wonders. The shield is a must have for PvP. I use it whenever I'm playing midfield, dotting the enemy.

Just my .02, good luck on your lock!
on my lock this is how i looked at it if you have less then 1k health go with pouch and a 1h with 30sp if you have 1k or more go with BoA staff with 30 sp. Right now on my lock i have a little over 1k health so i have the BoA staff and i do just fine. The staff also give i think 14 sp so on my lock im looking at about 115 sp un buffed.

I just wanna /applaud you for picking the PvP stave of the emblem one. The day 19 locks use crit is the day I give up on this bracket. 30SP and 20 shadow damage seems optimal for PuGing. 16 SP is nice since you can do real damage w/ your Immos and searingpains. Go w/ what you like though.
1. Should I go with 20SD/16SP/10Haste to gloves?

20 Shadow SP, all your spell are shadow amirite?

2. Should I buy the pvp BoA, or use pouch+night/evocator's?

Pouch + Night

3. Which is overall better, the blueberry or the imp? I've been using the blueberry due to the shield, and the stealth breaking winmode.

The "Blueberry" IMO.
I have both 16 sp and 20 shadow on all my pairs of gloves. Tbh you made a mistake going gnome (free trinket slot is god) pvp boa+pouch is what i roll with for FCing but for max dmg I use Grand Staff of Jordan (lawt o hit n sp not to mention 10 stam).

Voidwalker is the best. Not even a question.
as far as your gear goes you should put 15 sp on those bracers and have a pair of 4 stams with +9 stam. with a combo of spidersilk drape and the boa staff youll be .1% chance to miss. Get a gravestone scepter and a Banshee rod of the sun.

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