which to roll

ok so 3.1 is prolly comin out soon. which bracket will prolly be most balanced, 39s or 49s?
Honestly I see 49 as maybe being the most affected.

I havent played 49 that much but from what ive seen its all burst damage. I know people say 19 is all about placement and movement skills but 49 may rival that.

I mean at 49 if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, its game over for sure. From playing 49 mage and being slightly underpowered to playing 49 shaman and being on top of the food chain, everything dies in like 10 seconds.

Either you're killing someone in 10 seconds, or being killed in 10 seconds. But as far as general PvP goes, everything happens ridiculously fast at 49.

That being said, HP will drop a good bit, but damage wont. Thus, making stuff die even faster. Goodluck as a 49 mage getting even a scorch off before a ret pally or shaman ices you in that amount of time.
Indeed 49 is a burst bracket.

I fear the 39s of becoming a burst bracket...I hope not.

the majority of changes affects the 19s and secondly the 29s the hardest.

I would just wait and see what happens before rerolling, who knows what will happen?

I think everything will even out after some time.

Not meaning to toot my own horn of course, but ive been twinking for a good little while now.

Multiple brackets I play in have experienced changes that everyone thought would end twinking, but I think it will be alright.

I think that the patch will do some damage, dont get me wrong, but hopefully everything will work out.

*Although, I do fear for 39 burst. If somehow Ret pally damage doesnt go down, and we all lose ~500 HP, it will definately be redonk

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