which class!

I wanna know which class there is most viable for twinkin'

no mages, no locks!
It all depends on if you want to actually work hard to be competitive or if you just want a EZ slack class aka rogue & hunter.
More or less, we do have alot of skilled rogues in my guild. but it depends on how creative the rogue are in its play style, different tacts against different classes etc.

But u should roll a warrior :p (a male-tauren is a +)
Pala is op but still more fun than hunter/rogue imo..

Most op class rigt now is by far warriors with enti's!
anything is playable...just go with what is the most fun

although if you roll a hunter you are going to make the pug imbalance even more imbalanced

best builds for classes imo for pugs-

warrior-cookie cutter (hp/dps)

rogue-cookie cutter (hp/dps)

hunter-cookie cutter (hp/dps) or glass cannon (all dps)

shaman-cookie cutter (sp/hp) or max stats


paladin-cookie cutter(hp/dps) or hp

priest-max stats or cookie cutter (sp/hp)

lock-max sp

i was thinking about rolling something pretty dynamic but not too common (shaman, mage, FC pala twink) but i cant really decide i have a rogue and a hunter spread on different servers...
valyus said:
i was thinking about rolling something pretty dynamic but not too common (shaman, mage, FC pala twink) but i cant really decide i have a rogue and a hunter spread on different servers...

shamans are underrated...purge is very useful and they are very versatile with EB totem and shocks and decent melee and heals

mages are great for CC with poly/fb/fn and with the right person at the keyboard they can be the most useful toon on the field. not good at dps.

paladin FCs are good for pugs as they can attain high health with some of the best armor, but they do not have much CC to work with. BoF is only good if the opposing team is retarded (which it usually is)

remember, these are just my opinions and i have fire ward on so don't try to flame me
Druiddroid said:
mages are great for CC with poly/fb/fn and with the right person at the keyboard they can be the most useful toon on the field. not good at dps.

Ohhh, contraire, if played correctly, a glass cannon fire mage will top Damage Charts all day long.

Armory Barbiequed.

Every game i play she beats out hunters, rogues, locks, anything.

VERY good DPS, just horrible health.
Butter said:
Ohhh, contraire, if played correctly, a glass cannon fire mage will top Damage Charts all day long.

Armory Barbiequed.

Every game i play she beats out hunters, rogues, locks, anything.

VERY good DPS, just horrible health.

a retarded hunter with 7 agil to gloves/clefthide (etc) enchants can easily take a glass cannon mage
no brainer at the moment- warrior

Just get an Enti's Quenched Sword, max rend in your talents, put crusader ( or another chant if you prefer) on the weapon- and rend everything that moves. Here is a link to more info on this very site :)


This bug will get fixed sooner rather than later imo though, so if you want a twink with longevity and aren't sure you will like playing a warrior longterm, roll a hunter. I have a twink hunter as well, and when playing warriors with this sword I just target them and kite them until they die so they can't rend me :p Gotta love concussive shot with a scorpid dot :)

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