where to xfer to?

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Windrunner alliance and Doomhammer alliance(though they might be exclusive to 39 rerolls so i can't speak for them on it) are the two major alliance hubs.

Dragonmaw is the primary horde hub. On dmaw we do have guild enchanters and scrolls in gbank to assist players with.

:) see ya soon!
allahkazam said:
they are EU though.

darnit lol well i felt bad they hadn't had a response >.< I don't memorize servers though I knew neptulon sounded a bit fishy. I'll go have another cup of coffee now.
best place to x-fer is Darkmoon Faire ... we have 2 big guilds (horde and alliance). If you need some help just /w Mendil (A) or Eratas (H)... most of the 29 pvp twinks are on this realm^^
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