Hey all,
Few questions as I'm kinda keen to get a level twenty going.
Should I resub and use my main account or start a brand new free to play? What's the best or more fun option?
And I saw in the screenshots thread...people doing what looks like to be solo achievements and fishing etc? What are the benefits here?
I guess I'd love to do majority PvP at twenty but some of the side goal's look kind of fun too so not sure if I should sub or not to achieve this
Also if there's any classes that are truly not viable, I'd love to hear it.
Lastly...I'm OCE based but should I just go on BH anyway to have any chance of guild/community?
Sorry for bulk questions but appreciate the help of all!
Few questions as I'm kinda keen to get a level twenty going.
Should I resub and use my main account or start a brand new free to play? What's the best or more fun option?
And I saw in the screenshots thread...people doing what looks like to be solo achievements and fishing etc? What are the benefits here?
I guess I'd love to do majority PvP at twenty but some of the side goal's look kind of fun too so not sure if I should sub or not to achieve this
Also if there's any classes that are truly not viable, I'd love to hear it.
Lastly...I'm OCE based but should I just go on BH anyway to have any chance of guild/community?
Sorry for bulk questions but appreciate the help of all!