where is every one?


i been on my main doing icc just cleared it :) so i startewd playing my twinks again and theres no one i know on line:( only one i know is sputnick on alli side and 2-3 on horde side were is every one? phonebook gone? nana? wopper? redrum? destroy?. if the bracket is dead plz tell me i'm rolling a cc mage atm so f its dead you can tell me before i spend any more gold. its not just i dont know any one i played 2 games and when i qued for the 3rd i w8ed 45mins before i got bord and gave up in that time i hade 2 arena pops:(

P.S. sorry for the spelling i'm a little drunk atm :cool:
Peoplez still here, though it might have something to do with it being 2am... And phonebook is active, and some of the others you mentioned.

The bracket is active enough to warrant you rolling a CC mage.
Kore nametooshort said:
Peoplez still here, though it might have something to do with it being 2am... And phonebook is active, and some of the others you mentioned.

The bracket is active enough to warrant you rolling a CC mage.
it wasnt 2am when i was playing ya nutter <3 just when i was posting and ofc i remember kore :) and how are ya boss man?
Kore nametooshort said:
not bad, keeping busy ;) mostly complaining how bad druid glyphs are. You?
good thx m8 :) i'm bringing that cc mage to dreanor when finnished hows your guild off for them?. off to bed now i'll reply to your reply 2mora <3. BTW any premade going ATM?
feardottcom said:
good thx m8 :) i'm bringing that cc mage to dreanor when finnished hows your guild off for them?. off to bed now i'll reply to your reply 2mora <3. BTW any premade going ATM?

we've got a couple, and a couple promises of CC mages, but we always need more... however im not sure how many premades you'd get into since 2 of the officers have made/making mages, though if you're halfway decent at it im sure we can get you some premade time. There are premades, infact we have one scheduled for the next few days.

Edit: also, i couldnt stand the typo in the title ^^
yh i wantd to kno da same thing; i mean i quit the twinkin scene for a bit and i wuz thinkin of of makin a warrior but wher has all the warriors gone? Tohzt? Encorebroz?Drebron?

i made an alt and come log everytime i do log on and /who 19 is graveyard. Everyone quittin?????
Warrior2k10 said:
yh i wantd to kno da same thing; i mean i quit the twinkin scene for a bit and i wuz thinkin of of makin a warrior but wher has all the warriors gone? Tohzt? Encorebroz?Drebron?

i made an alt and come log everytime i do log on and /who 19 is graveyard. Everyone quittin?????

1) Its summer

2) WOTLK is very old and people are bored of the same old stuff.

3) Too many horde not enough alliance doesnt help.

Its not just Blackout thats quiet. Even little old Emberstorm is currently only playing games 1 day a week instead of 2.

People are taking a break I guess and will be back when the new shiny expansion hits.

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