where did the twinks go?

After the latest patch (3.1) i didn't go on my twinks. i focused on my mains for a while so i weren't online. Some days ago i went on my twinks. and it wasn't nice :( The first battleground i entered we had me and another twink with more than 1000 health. everyone was either ''semi twinks'' or just some randoms noobs. Now a week after 3.1.1 I have decided to focus less at 19 twinks. When i enter arena i NEVER and i mean it NEVER meat another twink. I think that all the fun is gone : /

What do you think?
Marsbar said:
After the latest patch (3.1) i didn't go on my twinks. i focused on my mains for a while so i weren't online. Some days ago i went on my twinks. and it wasn't nice :( The first battleground i entered we had me and another twink with more than 1000 health. everyone was either ''semi twinks'' or just some randoms noobs. Now a week after 3.1.1 I have decided to focus less at 19 twinks. When i enter arena i NEVER and i mean it NEVER meat another twink. I think that all the fun is gone : /

What do you think?

Currently I'm having the same problem in the Misery Battlegroup, I just think that a lot of people have quit their twinks due the nerf or gone and rr to other bracket and even gone back to their main. Some of my friends quit and gone to their mains and some have stayed on twinking. I myself will continue playing 19 but each WSG I go into makes me more to quit over wise. Down to the stupid amount of hunters, no other ally twinks and to just the stupidity of ally who just want to farm kills or go hide on are roof.

I've been some arena but most of the times there is hardly no twinks at all.

I do hope people don't quit their 19s and continue to keep playing.

I know that, for me, I've been avoiding the 19's because of the GY leveling issues; I'm kind of close, and don't want to ding. I also have been spending time in Ulduar (well, I did last week anyway) and leveling characters because of the new dual spec system. After all, leveling a holy paladin is brutal, but a ret paladin? Smooth like buttah.

I’d guess that the twinks on your BG are doing one of those three.
It might just be our battlegroup I'm not too sure, but I've noticed it too. When there are other twinks playing, they all seem to be hunters which is fine for me but it means I'm basically playing the game solo whilst my team gets farmed. Not all that interesting.

Really considering trying out a different bracket and/or server. Suggestions?
Pfft i wish i've played a bit after 3.1 and it seems like every bg i get in is 2 horde twinks vs 7+ alli twinks and go figure 5/7 are huntards.. Anyway like others have mentioned most "twinks" do it for fun during down time and atm uldar or whatever is new so more focus is on that then the twinks. For some not all but still
kám said:
reroll 49, best and most fun bracket there is !

Gonna Reroll soon.

I played 19/29 most of the time in my Twink history but now the most of the guys i knew in twinking are going to raid or do some other main shit.
i have seen some ex-19's also that i knew that are now 20's. many of them were accidental pops due to being res'd at random GYs in northrend after a BG. since the 3.1 and the word about this came out, i just Q at the main city BM's like previously and have had no problems.

on RUIN BG, there are stll alot of twinks, many times even pugs are twink loaded for both sides. yeah things change from game to game and you end up with the noob mix too.

only thing i have noticed is that premades are smaller like 3-5 players. haven't seen any 8+ premades rolling. but then again Blizz added new: content, pets, mounts, gems, wpns, and gear. so many players are in the usual mindless frenzy to get everything right away, get it fast and get it first.

to top that you have you have 3 events noblegarden, children's week, and darkmoon faire all together.

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