Where are all the Priests?


I'm AP Alliance and I raaaarely ever see Disc Priests (or Priests in general). Is it because Holy Pallies are just that OP, or what? Are they boring? They can't possibly be that bad... I dunno, just think it's weird that they're so few an far between.

but srsly Paladins are piss easy healers. My Protection Paladin has 600 hp and FoL crits for 1.1k. what is this i don't eve

Not to mention they can't get rinsed by Purge.
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Is Horde that much more active? Only reason I went Alliance is because that's all I played during my 4 years of P2P.
I'm rolling Horde then, Alliance has been depressing as of recent. Where do y'all meet up aka what is the Horde version of Goldshire?
Hordies just hang out in Duelotar or Org, nowhere like Goldshire really.
I think what he's trying to say is just outside Org front entrance is the traditional dueling spot. Very similar to SW on most servers. Lowbies hang out in GS but Razor Hill is too far away so it's pretty empty outside world events. Gurubashi is a good meeting spot, as is BB during the fishing contest.
Priests at this level are not healers, they are hybrids.

They toss out a few bubbles and renews to buy some time to blow people up.

If you want to heal, roll an Hpal (Rsham looks as good for MoP). If you want to pewpew for those sweet KBs, roll priest.
As Golden states, most people don't know how to play a Priest well. Priests aren't healers; they are offensive support. People don't seem to get this. And because Alliance consists of 90% of real baddies, you won't really see a good Priest around. If there was one, he would shine and he would pick your attention faster, make others roll a Priest aswell (bc yes, they think they are as OP and want to pew pew as hard) and the amount of Priests will grow. This is what happens with Paladins, Rogues and Hunters though. The only difference being you don't need to be OP to pewpew.

No matter what I do in game, people rage.

this right here is whats wrong. you shouldnt care what people think, especially about a video game. Yes as people have pointed out, priests are very versatile. So do what you think will be best. Dont worry about what people think or say. remember, this isnt high end pvp or arena, its just lvl 20 dude, so enjoying yourself and having fun should be the most important things you do

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