When are they going to add rated twink arena's?

Never. Our best shot is waiting on Skirmish (addon that adds ratings to skirmishes for twinks), but it's still in development iirc.
Rip said:
Never. Our best shot is waiting on Skirmish (addon that adds ratings to skirmishes for twinks), but it's still in development iirc.

I believe; Feaire; the guy who created Skirmish has now quit WoW, though, I believe he's still developing it :)
I'd love to see it happen, but, it won't.
Noo said:
I believe; Feaire; the guy who created Skirmish has now quit WoW, though, I believe he's still developing it :)

He was online on CoA yesterday, in that weird german guild >_>
yeah i once used skirmish, got my rating up to 1800 easily.

but its not like there was a lot of 19 / 29 arenas going on to make blizzard want to included ratings at low levels. i'd be glad if there was any though !
hmmm, just a thought of something that might be vaguely possible

Blizz could in theory make skirmishes have a temp rating like for the day

meh, just something that kinda popped into my head while reading thru here

but imo, blizz really has no reason to since twinking isn't their focus or their concern (it also seems it's their bane as they seem to seek to destroy it however they can)

ah but dreams are just that, fun things to "dream" about eh? XD
They will probably never add rated arenas on low levels, cause they have loads of problems with them on 80 lol :D. But hmm... lets say - Honor pvp sets - like the oldschool Marshall/Warlord sets for low levels (and ofc of rare quality) would be something nice for compensation ;).
While it would be awesome i'm still able to level my weapon skills on glitch mobs and am fighting against badly grandfathered toons. Rated arenas while nice aren't the top of my wish-list. :D
The only problem with skirm is if you're about to lose you can just leave arena not take a lose and not rating change.
This would rock, but I would prefer more PvP rewards considering you can get it all in a day of playing =/

I think that a level 18 WSG set and a 28 AB set would rock, though I don't think Blizzard will ever implement it.
Yeah that will never happen. Blizzard has way too many things with PvP balance (@ 80) and raiding to even think about adding in low level WSG/AB stuff.
Feaire have you added the ability to see your ratings in the Honor tab window (the same way you see rated arena rating at 80)? Also can you inspect other players with the addon enabled and see their ratings?
Rip said:
Feaire have you added the ability to see your ratings in the Honor tab window (the same way you see rated arena rating at 80)? Also can you inspect other players with the addon enabled and see their ratings?

Not yet. Those features will be coming soon (probably at the end of the beta).

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