What's the best option for gemming for F2P?


Just wondering what the best option for acquiring gems for a F2P account would be? Is lvling jewelcrafting worth it? From reading some of the guides it seems like a lot of the options, like the pvp gems are not available. Main stat i'm looking for my toons are +Int and +Agi. I looked on a lot of peoples armory and it seems like a lot of people are using the +4 stat gems but I believe those are from pvp mark of honor correct? Sorry, i've read through a few of the different guides and still a little confused on what might be possible for strictly F2P account. I'm in the process of getting the gear from BC with gem slots, hoping to upgrade my timewalking pieces.

Thanks in advance for your help!
Since honor is now transferable (when it's working anyways) it's possible to grind for the PvP gems. You can roll a fresh level 10 and do random BGs until you hit 20, transfer the honor to the character that needs the gems.
Buy the ones from either Markus Scylan in Honor Hold or Reagan Mancuso in Thrallmar. Cost like 1g pr gem, they aren’t bis like the ones from pvp vendor, but good enough until you get them.
create fresh 10s, several and both factions because you lose 20% honor doing transfers. the dracthyr get ilvl 19 gear at the start.

currently the best disposable twinks to roll for insane DPS are res druids, MM hunters, res sham, holy priest, and i think destro lock

in the MOP expac
- at level 10 go to vendor Trader Jambeezi the gear sold is ilvl 25 that will carry you to 16
- prior to level 16 you can go to a vendor The Metal Paw prebuy gear which is ilvl 72 you will be able to fill all slots the weapons require level 17 to equip. that gear carries you to 20.
- the neck, rings, and trinks will cost you around 200g combined if you need or want them

BG them to 20, when blizz fixes the honor transfer you log the player who needs the honor. note: the player that needs to honor needs to have at least one honor, you may have to turn on xp, que a BG and AFK out after you see any honor gain, or do a coordinated kill honor trade. if you are alliance use the port to enter tol barad, i did that with a 10 and went into the BG area i stayed till the BG was over and got 4 honor for successfully defending the nodes. no one else was there.

there is a NPC in oribos that sells 5 honor tokens for 2000 honor

if you want to make the BGs more enjoyable and have the time and with XP off if you can do the SL skip, you can do the world quests that have the 260+ gold rewards, i did this on a player, then went to northrend dalaran and power leveled WOTLK enchanting for mats and enchants (all classes except monks/DHs)
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Just went to Honor Hold and the gems you can buy there for gold only scale to +1 but i noticed you can buy gems from Tracy Proudwell for Marks of Honor Hold. Its just not giving me the quest and even though I flagged for world pvp it wont let me take the towers. Does anyone know what the gems scale to? It says +3 but the +2 gem I bought for 2 gold scaled to +1
create fresh 10s, several and both factions because you lose 20% honor doing transfers. the dracthyr get ilvl 19 gear at the start.

currently the best disposable twinks to roll for insane DPS are res druids, MM hunters, res sham, holy priest, and i think destro lock

in the MOP expac
- at level 11 go to a vendor like Singegruff the gear sold is ilvl 25 that will carry you to 16. at 10 you can fill some gear empty slots but it is scaled to ilvl 5.
- prior to level 16 you can go to a vendor The Metal Paw prebuy gear which is ilvl 72 you will be able to fill all slots the weapons require level 17 to equip. that gear carries you to 20.

BG them to 20, when blizz fixes the honor transfer you log the player who needs the honor. note: the player that needs to honor needs to have at least one honor, you may have to turn on xp, que a BG and AFK out after you see any honor gain, or do a coordinated kill honor trade. if you are alliance use the port to enter tol barad, i did that with a 10 and went into the BG area i stayed till the BG was over and got 4 honor for successfully defending the nodes. no one else was there.

there is a NPC in oribos that sells 5 honor tokens for 2000 honor

if you want to make the BGs more enjoyable and have the time and with XP off if you can do the SL skip, you can do the world quests that have the 260+ gold rewards, i did this on a player, then went to northrend dalaran and power leveled WOTLK enchanting for mats and enchants (all classes except monks/DHs)
Where's the port to Tol Barad?
in SW, in the area where the pandas are, there is a island that has portals to CATA zones, tol barad is one of them
just found a vendor in Halfhill who sells ilvl 25 gear that is usable by a level 10. Trader Jambeezi that wanders around. you can fill all slots. but you will need about 200g for the neck, rings, trinks

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