What would be best for Twinkinfo

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Im sure only RNG gaming which is Eleanor's guild would support this matter, since everyone would know, what a great improvement Vapriest have been to this community.
Dear 70-79 Bracket
Looking at several comments i belive as a bracket manager he should be trying to stop the flame war instead of igniting it...

A prime example right here: http://www.twinkinfo.com/70-79-bracket/35314-so-yeh-bracket-full-3.html#post482271

naming and shaming members of the community instead of helping regroup the community and making it a better forum, taking sides instead of being a nutural member of community helping everyone as an individual.

In the next coming days i will look into speaking with the mods to see if we can come up with some sort of solution to make the position of Bracket Manager available for a more viable candidates.
The main part about this bracket dying is people wintrading, Sniping the wintraders will help the bracket.. Like a sort of extermination. Were pest controlling the bracket to say :p
The main part about this bracket dying is people wintrading, Sniping the wintraders will help the bracket.. Like a sort of extermination. Were pest controlling the bracket to say

Umm what are you talking about? this has nothing to do with the wintrading this is to do with Vapriest being the bracket leader, clearly your trying to bring that back as the issue which clearly this isnt the issue we are trying to raise, so if you have nothing to disscuss regaurding the topic at hand i suggest you dont bother commenting...

Im sure only RNG gaming which is Eleanor's guild would support this matter, since everyone would know, what a great improvement Vapriest have been to this community.

Umm dont know if you have noticed but only one person from rng has commented on this, the rest bein nutural.. as vapriest should be with all the bracket
double post:

Umm what are you talking about? this has nothing to do with the wintrading this is to do with Vapriest being the bracket leader, clearly your trying to bring that back as the issue which clearly this isnt the issue we are trying to raise, so if you have nothing to disscuss regaurding the topic at hand i suggest you dont bother commenting...

gumia stated the bracket needs to be revived. ie: he is saying the bracket is dead... hypercranks is stating that the bracket is dying because of the wintrading....
Your totally speaking out your ass. In fact it was you who was flaming your balls of in that thread. Vap was discussing just as everyone else was. Its thing like this that are wrong with this bracket.
I think vapreist is nice, only thing i don't understand is why they gave community leader to someone who has meant to have quit for a few months.
This isnt a flame war lol, if you have any sence and actuLly read it propely you will realise that, yet againt another member coming in all guns blazing without actually reading the post, go back and read it :)

if you 8 and have no sence then yea maybe you call it flaming, otherwise its a discussion just children who take it the wrong way.
This isnt a flame war lol, if you have any sence and actuLly read it propely you will realise that, yet againt another member coming in all guns blazing without actually reading the post, go back and read it :)

if you 8 and have no sence then yea maybe you call it flaming, otherwise its a discussion just children who take it the wrong way.

This is where you either let your temper take over, or where you started trying too hard.
Support! I don't know who virtually any of you are, but these are pressing matters, and if what you say is true, Vapriest is the plague of these forums and must be stopped before TI as we know it is shut down due to his devilish acts of taking a side sometimes!

People with opinions must be stopped before it's too late!
What a bullshit topic, seriously.

I have never spoken Vapriest so you can't say I am biased or anything, but so far I'd say he's done nothing wrong. He's infact one of the few guys who isn't afraid of entering a discussion about certain affairs which are going on in the bracket. Okay: he might have had a bit of too many bitchfights with Sparklystars in the past, but then again: who cares.

If you are asking what would be best for Twink Info: here's my 2 cents:
Stop being a shitty guildmaster and get your acts together. Some persons you hated the most and openly fought with in the past, are now in the ranks of your guild (whaaa, if you can't beat them, join them?) and meh, even a lot worse: nembers of your guild are advertising openly for wintrading RBG's and thus affecting the bracket. This forum has been proven itself to attract a lot of newcomers to the bracket aswell, as new guys could ask stuff about gear, specs, and many other things openly on the forum. Nowadays it's all about wintrade, wintrade, wintrade and wintrade. No way someone would enter this bracket.

So what would be best for Twink Info? Leave this forum Eleanor, take your garbage guild with you and never come back.
This is a WONDERFUL idea to get the attention of the administration of this site in the WORST possible way.

You just made the matter worse by choosing to create an '@' thread while also attempting to start a flame war against Vapriest.

Vapriest was elected into the role and we feel that he is a solid candidate for the position. Just like there are issues with Pizza in his bracket, I am sure that Vapriest will have his group of hating people as well.

This topic is closed and I really do not want to hear anything about it again in terms of new thread creation. If you have some ACTUAL proof to support your claims, then PM it to me.
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