What to twink for this bracket? ( 80-84)( or 85?)


Im about to dump a ton of time into a twink for this bracket. I have available to me a 84 boomkin, 85 boomkin in full cata pvp gear with legendary and heroic DS trinkets, 80 spriest, or 80 mage.

Im interested in doing arena, but would also be down to just smash bgs for something to do in my off time.

Im an ex glad from season 3-4 so Im not completely retarded when it comes to playing.

The reason im asking is that ive been reading as much as I can and I cant quite come to a decision on what would be the most fun. I saw a twink spriest tonight just destroy a BG, but ive also been near globaled by 84s which is frustrating. Im not even sure what the state of 85 pvp is like atm.

Any insight is much appreciated, Thanks for your time
85 not that popular yet so youd spend most of your time idolin in SW/ORG,
80-84 id say, and after long discussions on the forum with other members my opinion is go 80, more stuff to do and more respected in most players eyes then an 84
Mages are rly gun on 80, and now with MOP items rly good at soloing stuff, so perhaps a mage, but on the other hand they are hardly any priests:eek:
85 procs good enough about 15 min queues, and your druid is geared so u will most likely do very well. for 80, SP and mage are very good, both viable, spriest arent can do a lot of damage and so can mages, 84s are a bit hated but very strong.

My personal perference would be the 80 SP or the 85 boomkin.
Huge fan on the 80's I have friends that run shadow priest and mage, I'd have to say spriest is running very well, not near the damage as mage, but both extremely fun, 85 bracket like stated by Catdog is not yet big, but I mean 80 is just starting to blossom as well. I suggest 80's and i'd lean toward the spriest.
Ive made 2 85 twinks out of my old chars, and its very fun! Tho gearing for 85 will take longer then 80 would, more work, more money.
I'd go with 80 spriest or mage or an 85 Boomkin. Do not do an 84 unless you want to be reviled and hated by the majority of the community.

SPriest can do excellent damage and benefits greatly from hybrid heals and shields at high resil.

Mages are the top DPS at 80 (and 80 Fire Mage literally pull higher numbers than anything other than a avoidance capped tank in ICC with vengeance over 9000).

85 is very active right now, queue times are quite low.
How about mages at 85? Are they viable?

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