What to make next???

Ok so i was thinking of twinking a pally, warrior, lock or hunter/rogue (of course lol)

So far i have these two twinks:





Now im gonna make this one Alliance -- cause i have a good guild on my mage's server.

I am going to go all out on this guy--i banked an extra 2k gold on the side for him. I was wondering which of these would be the most fun to play.
Hunters is the best class for sure... but, their not all that fun. I'd say make a warlock.
lock or rogue, rogue is just kind of fun in that bracket for mindless killing. And depending on the amount of opposite faction twinks you have in that bg group, lock would be amusing for multi-dot'ing non-twinked characters.
ive been getting wrecked by rogues lately so i think im gonna go with that...

and i know how to take out hunters easily -- and im so sick of seeing them tbh
Make a Lock. you won't regret it. my 19 lock is the most fun i've ever had at 19.
hmm...never heard of your mage before and we're in the same bg o_o....do you play that character often? we need more twinks inour bg's >:O lol....but to stay on topic i suggest hunter because its ez mode lol...but i must say i really enjoy my lock and my rogue - both extremely fun classes @19.

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