What the hell is goin on? seriously..


dunno who the **** it is but recently ppl tend to start multiboxing with trash characters probably just to piss the team off they are in. gz it works.. rly pisses me off to join a bg with 6 rogues on horde side with like 500hp or 3 hunters on alli same shit. get over it if u lost a bg and stop acting like your 6 years old again this bracket is already damaged enough and if u want to keep it goin then don't take the last bit of fun out of it.

I've played a few brackets so far and if any of the others I liked was still active I would leave 19 in an instant because I've never seen ppl acting that childish other than on 19. I know I'm complaining and it can be seen as wasted effort to mimimi but I do it anyways. whoever feels addressed by this pls stop acting like a retard and man up.. u make little pandas cry
Yeh, that is rly freaking annoying, just played against those three rogues.. saw everyone running around with the debuff :\\
Yeah :/ I've experienced this too.

Yesterday they were reporting me, Tesco, Hurrx and Brosmash AFK all the freaking time.

No offence to all the legit F2Ps but srsly, F2P ruined the bracket. Everytime you enter a BG it's rarely more than 2 ppl geared, the rest is just too damn trashy
Athela said:
dunno who the **** it is but recently ppl tend to start multiboxing with trash characters probably just to piss the team off they are in. gz it works.. rly pisses me off to join a bg with 6 rogues on horde side with like 500hp or 3 hunters on alli same shit. get over it if u lost a bg and stop acting like your 6 years old again this bracket is already damaged enough and if u want to keep it goin then don't take the last bit of fun out of it.

I've played a few brackets so far and if any of the others I liked was still active I would leave 19 in an instant because I've never seen ppl acting that childish other than on 19. I know I'm complaining and it can be seen as wasted effort to mimimi but I do it anyways. whoever feels addressed by this pls stop acting like a retard and man up.. u make little pandas cry

It always happen to me but the sad part is that people arent multiboxing
Mehcritkillu said:
They are multiboxing, they even admit it.

Pretty sure he was a'makin' a joke...As in he's always in BGs full of undergeared players...but they aren't multiboxing...as in there are that many baddies around.

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