What should we look for moving forward?


New Member
Hey there,

So I just recently joined the twink community. I have the typical 11 Fury Warrior (slowly working on 10 prot warrior) and 10 MW monk. Working on others but the other toons have all the good socketed goodies and what-not

I've been a monster! Until...I came across a 70 Ret Pally decked out in 545 gear, now I know I missed out on that boat and the few 545 70 items are wild in price (If you managed to find the pieces for a 70 twink of your armor type you're looking at well over 2m gold right now).

With that said, what should we be working towards proactively in the future?

I've been having a blast on twinks but the 10/11 range brings up very few options for A) EFFECTIVE builds and B) button options

I just want to be prepared for what's next because it's just a joy
You can learn to love your twink and play it as a main. Build multiple gear sets, and do so with truly BIS gear. None of this "good enough" nonsense. speed procs on everything, extra sockets on what can, etc. Have haste sets, crit sets, arms sets, prot sets, etc. Not only is this an integral part of twinking, it'll also set you up for the future. Maybe.

The lvl 11 spin-to-win dream only lasts as long as Blizz decides not to change anything. So if you don't love your twink, its going to end up as just an expensive tool you put a lot of time into that no longer has a job. I want to stress, this is an inevitability. Everyone that's been playing their twinks for longer than a couple weeks knows that stuff this genuinely overpowered and popular eventually eats a nerf bat. It may not happen this year, or even this xpac, but its going to happen.

So decide, do you genuinely love this particular toon and are you willing to ride it out when its no longer busted? Nothing wrong with answering no! Knowing what you actually want from twinking is important in enjoying your time.

If you don't think you will (or if youre just curious), you can start looking into xpac capped toons that you mentioned (your 70s currently, soon to be 80s). zazzyfraz generally puts together a post towards the end of each xpac on how to get your end game toon set up to prep to be xpac capped on the next release. This requires you to *not* buy the next xpac, so is generally done on alt accounts. But, these toons need to be updated and leveled every xpac. You're basically playing end game a couple years behind everyone else.

You can also, if you like, start a brand new F2P account. This is a long term labor of love and its where most of the twinking scene is these days. You're starting from scratch and be building toons, chasing collections, hustling achievements... all with the restrictions of a F2P (no trading, mail, ah, chat, etc). It's a lot easier these days thanks to the warband bank and a lot more expansive than it used to be (so much content!) and its as future proof as any WoW twink is gonna get. It's definitely grindy (especially because you're starting a whole account from 0 with little to no outside help *cough*) but thats what a lot of people enjoy about it. And dont worry, its still busted scaling wise. For now.

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