What Should i do?

What should i do??

  • Respec PvE Destro

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  • Don't Respec

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Alright i am in a wierd predicament atm...

I can do one of 2 things Respec my PvE destro spec to PvP Affliction so i do better in arenas... I can look up the PvP affliction Arena spec.

Now if i do Respec my PvE destro spec then i am basically done with Raiding and all that shizz.(i really don't care about it)

Reason i am asking is because on rare occasions i do get invited to ICC runs and it will be stupid to go to it and have a PvP spec.

(Just an Fyi i do have dual Spec i have PvE destro and PvP destro.)

Edit: Maybe i should have put Respec, PvE destro...

Also a Link to my toon to see spec and gear and stuff... (arena 2v2 team sucks but my friend who is a mage was going to roll with me so we can start pwning. The 3v3 team is inactive.)

The World of Warcraft Armory - Spamtana @ Duskwood - Profile
or just get dual spec if you are serious about pve and pvp. 'course if you were serious about pvp you would have started b4 the last (or 2nd to last) arena season before wrath....

so no, dont respec if you cant affording changing back to pve. or just do some crappy arena in pve spec but pvp gear. its not like you're going to hit glad before reset. just enjoy it.
or learn to play

affli is gay and boring at end game, destro is very viable in arena just learn to play....
i have pvp destro and affli as dual spec.. doing about 7000 dps in both specs average in icc with gaybuff. in pvp i swich a lot, affli is best most of the time since destro is depending a lot on crit .. atleast in 2v2 with a healer you're going to get sick of destro since you're relying on crits to win, or just group with an ele shaman and its kk but i still prefer affli

destro in bgs though

maybe you should just roll full pve since you're pretty much bis for pvp before the 1400 rating it takes to get wrathful gloves and still havent reached the 1400 rating
I know how to play Destro... how else could have i gotten Full relentless.. And idk Did you guys even read my full Post... Let me say it again since you guys can not read it...

3v3 team is inactive which means i do not play in it i am just in the team... 2v2 team SUCKS but since it is sitting at 1200 rating my cousin and I are going to get it back up again.

you guys should also read the 2v2 Team's name and why it sucks lol.
Nohealsforju said:
I know how to play Destro... how else could have i gotten Full relentless.. And idk Did you guys even read my full Post... Let me say it again since you guys can not read it...

3v3 team is inactive which means i do not play in it i am just in the team... 2v2 team SUCKS but since it is sitting at 1200 rating my cousin and I are going to get it back up again.

you guys should also read the 2v2 Team's name and why it sucks lol.

well then you must have been slacking a hell lot with your cousin since you dinged 80 in 2009 and still never passed 1500

Nohealsforju said:
I know how to play Destro... how else could have i gotten Full relentless

Bots know how to play destro too if we say it like that

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