What server for ruin *horde*

whats a good server for ruin twinks for horde side. im gonna xfer my druid soon and idk where to go. i heard cyclone is dead and i want more competiton and premades =(
Hey I don't know if you remember be from Cyclone but Bleeding Hollow is a very active server and I would love to have another druid to play with :).
Pizza said:
Hey I don't know if you remember be from Cyclone but Bleeding Hollow is a very active server and I would love to have another druid to play with :).

hey pizza =( no offense but you weere kinda a epeen to me.

not kinda really a huge one. nothing against you that much now im just saying i wasted 50$ for nothing on my "half decent" rogue, he was olny missing SF and hat. i had a SF waiting for me and everything but ya.

Its all cool just wanted to know if u rember then think about my awsner.

Not trying to be mean i just want to have fun with fun people and do good while having fun. but thx for the offer man. i appreciate it. :D
nobody said:
hey pizza =( no offense but you weere kinda a epeen to me.

not kinda really a huge one. nothing against you that much now im just saying i wasted 30$ for nothing on my "half decent" rogue, he was olny missing SF and hat. i had a SF waiting for me and everything but ya.

Its all cool just wanted to know if u rember then think about my awsner.

Not trying to be mean i just want to have fun with fun people and do good while having fun. but thx for the offer man. i appreciate it. :D

I 'lold. I would take it as, you werent good. I hardly doubt it was full geared based. Ive met rogues without a hat (goggles and 2 cruel barbs) who were good enough for premades.
To be honest I know there are a lot of guilds that won't use people in premades that aren't perfectly geared (SF, Fishing hat, etc.). I've never been that way but I know a lot of premade leaders are that way.

My input on Bleeding Hollow is this: as second in command of Prodigy (since the beginning), we honestly have more than enough of what we need in pretty much every class at this point. If you want to get a premade spot you're better off looking at the other servers for open spots, Horde side Prodigy is currently pretty stacked.
i wasnt asking to be in premade man i just wanted to be in cause i could be and yes i was skilled back in the day, i was almost taking on the premade "perfected" rogues with them down to 100ish hp.. even the co lead said i could be in the guild just *pizza* here dosent like me and idk why he would now.

I wasnt asking for much its just i have no respect for him now. Thats all.
trollbane! because i'm there. and i'm awesome.
Grabco said:
Are there any 19 horde twink guilds on Elune?

elune has alway been a alliance heavy server, i'm on mannoroth, 98% of the time when it comes to twinks, if i see them from elune, they are alliance. no matter what bracket i have played.

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