What patch 5.2 means for 70's

my bet is they are going to buff survivability in some way like increasing base resi to 50% or something becouse they buffed pvp power on weapons at 90 so people do mad damage at 90 and that will fuck up 70 even more and more kids will fotm hybrids and two months after 5.2 there will be no bg:s popping anymore... i find your twinks kinda nice for example... 2k lifetime kills shadow priest 5k lifetime kills prot paladin you obviously enjoy challenge and high skill cap specs cy@ in next expansion
Very informative as ever Khar :D It is a shame how long the bg queues have become, but it's not really a surprise at all, nobody enjoys facing nothing but op classes, whilst others just reroll cause they don't fancy a challenge.

From what i've been told mages will be "useless" and "broken" - rngmonsterx.
Meanwhile rogues will have the "one-shot ability" and will once again be retardedly op, because they aren't strong right now right? Still the best 1v1 class if you ask me :)

Would be nice to hear other opinions on the subject however.
yeah like only things i cant beat in duel are 90% resi tanks and healers are unkillable if they are any decent but how often do you get 1v1 fights when bg:s are full of people like aranxia who do everything they possibly can to never have equal fights all they do is hump 5 healer groups 24/7. I attack something and some shadowpriest throws 15k instant devouring plagues at me from behind his meat wall good game. i dont mind if rogues did not get buffed 70 would be cool if they nerfed heals and / or resi but not gonna happen goz blizard does not give a shit about low lvl xd. And im pretty sure most of the rogue buffs are not going live... like the 50 energy thing :D no way rogues are gonna run around with 170 energy as assa and shit... not even blizard is that stupid
yeah like only things i cant beat in duel are 90% resi tanks and healers are unkillable if they are any decent but how often do you get 1v1 fights when bg:s are full of people like aranxia who do everything they possibly can to never have equal fights all they do is hump 5 healer groups 24/7. I attack something and some shadowpriest throws 15k instant devouring plagues at me from behind his meat wall good game. i dont mind if rogues did not get buffed 70 would be cool if they nerfed heals and / or resi but not gonna happen goz blizard does not give a shit about low lvl xd. And im pretty sure most of the rogue buffs are not going live... like the 50 energy thing :D no way rogues are gonna run around with 170 energy as assa and shit... not even blizard is that stupid

XDDDDDDDDDD typhoon nerf :( np mass entanglement. usually have 5-6 people chasing me so that spell will come in handy. jk desperate tryhardsluts i bet all of you will trinket to try score kill 6v1
I just reread over the patch notes, and honestly, I don't see much of a change coming. I went ahead and took out the major changes that I felt affected the 70s bracket.

Increased healing from death siphon
Conversion costs less runic power

Cenarion Ward's healing increased by 100%
Displacer Beast change (thank God)

No focus cost on some of their CC
Increased cooldown on silencing shot

No more improved counterspell
Mirror Images do more damage
Ice Flows and Greater Invisibility cooldowns reduced

Don't know anything about the class, nor what will affect them

Increased self-healing from eternal flame (perfect...)

Nothing groundbreaking.

-Rogue (People say they will have the ability to one shot again, but I just don't see how)
Deadly throw now silences with 3, 4, and 5 combo points
A few changes in talents
Preperation at level 68

No more blanket silence for pets (crying a little bit)
Change in blood fear (I don't like it)
Soul Leech provides an absorption shield
Glyph of Burning Embers removed - now baseline to have 4 ember slots

Shockwave and Second Wind nerf
Increased slam damage
Taste of blood changed

Glyph of Purge giving a 6-second cooldown
Increased elemental damage by 20% (the spell, not the spec)

To me nothing really will change. If they change the way pvp resilience stacks at lower levels I will be more than happy, though I don't see that happening. Queue pops have recently began to improve, which is nice. Arenas still pop. Shadow Priests/Goonkins/Prot Paladins will still reign.
Increased elemental damage by 20% (the spell, not the spec).

  • (Level 90 talent) Unleashed Fury Flametongue now increases Lightning Bolt damage by 20% (was 30%), and Lava Burst damage by 10% (was 0%).
  • (Level 90 talent) Primal Earth Elemental and Primal Fire Elemental now deal 20% more damage.
I think you confused those.

The other shaman stuff:

  • Elemental Mastery now has a 1-minute cooldown (was 2 minutes).
  • Shamanistic Rage is now available to Elemental Shaman as well as Enhancement Shaman.
  • Ancestral Swiftness now increases spell haste by 5% and melee haste by 10% (was 5%/5%).
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seems accurate. too bad you forget about the mainreason why there won't be any more mages around

Deep Freeze is broken by spells which benefit from Shatter.

They removed it again from the patch notes, even blizzard realized how stupid it was
Do you guys think the 70 bracket will become more active in 5.2 or will it be less people @ 70? :)

Well, I think it can only go up at this point. I think people are getting to the point where doing 100 dailies everyday just isn't fun anymore. Plus I believe they've announced a, I believe, 30% nerf to all healing. I think that may bring some people back.

If I recall correctly, the same thing happened at the beginning of Cataclysm. Maybe not as severely or for so long, but towards the end of expansions people want to twink. It's just a pattern.
I hope they nerf heals / baseline resilience. Won't happen i guess, so we will keep seeing pala / priest / shaman / druid stacking sadly.

It will be good to have some rogues back to stick on those though.
I hope for that too but blizzard only cares about max level... Even though people probably quit leveling up because of the imbalance.

Max level is pretty broken too, just accept that PvP will always be on the back burner when it comes to Blizz

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