what happened to TI?

My guess is that Drayner, due to a combination of Ruin trolls and 19s becoming something he dislikes (his blog hints quite subtly to this), has decided to move on.. go back to his main or something? So he gave gleader to someone else.. and since its not associated with TI anymore.. changed the name?
<Ink Twinfo>

<Foink Twin>

<Twoink Fin>

<Two In Fink>
I notice they lost a lot of players.. down to 45.. people like Quietkill and stuff =/
ya there are 2 guilds

The World of Warcraft Armory


The World of Warcraft Armory

Drayner is still gm of ti but he is cogm on his hunter of the other one. They might be migrated over to the new guild still. Who knows. [char=Medivh]Sometimes[/char]

Drayner gives up on things a lot but he is in that other guild so your guess is as good as mine. mybe he is quitting since he said he cant farm level 12 noobs anymore.
Evocate said:
My guess is that Drayner, due to a combination of Ruin trolls and 19s becoming something he dislikes (his blog hints quite subtly to this), has decided to move on.. go back to his main or something? So he gave gleader to someone else.. and since its not associated with TI anymore.. changed the name?

Your guess is kind of right.

New guild name. All TI members are in the process of being invited to the new guild, active members at least. New guild leader was the Co-Gm of <TI>. I am the Co-Gm of the new guild. The reason for the new name is basically to separate Twink Info the site from the guild. Simple as that. The rules and "vision" might be slightly modified, but for now, the guild is basically the same except for the name. That's about all that needs to be known.

I hope people that read my comments on that thread the other day realize that I was joking about no being able to kill 12s and all.
Kengel said:
ya there are 2 guilds

The World of Warcraft Armory


The World of Warcraft Armory

Drayner is still gm of ti but he is cogm on his hunter of the other one. They might be migrated over to the new guild still. Who knows. [char=Medivh]Sometimes[/char]

Drayner gives up on things a lot but he is in that other guild so your guess is as good as mine. mybe he is quitting since he said he cant farm level 12 noobs anymore.

Or maybe you're a fucking moron? The guild name was changed due to many reasons, a lot of the people in TI aren't there because a lot of them weren't there form the start - everyone hops on the bandwagon cause its cool - but people get bored and stop playing characters. I am not going into detail as to why TI has changed their names - but it has been for a good reason, if you payed more attention you probably would know whats going on
oh... and forum trolls in ruin... lol. The are lightweights compared to old school Vengeance and old and new Cyclone, noobs in the troll department. They are so easy to neutralize it's funny. Sure, any troll gets to me and anyone other than like minded people, but they won't run me off the game. I've been twinking quite some time, trolls are not new and like I said, Ruin's don't hold a candle to others I've encountered, but I will say that some of them are making their way into Ruin so it might get really quiet from the noob trolls soon.
let's be honest drayner, you got trolled pretty hard over the summer

you wrote enough material for several books
Goma said:
let's be honest drayner, you got trolled pretty hard over the summer

you wrote enough material for several books

let's be honest kid, I had fun getting "trolled" over the summer. It passed the time pretty good.

I wrote enough material for several books while getting paid $75/hr waiting on 5pm to come

Oh. Ya. What I said about trolling. You and your fucktard buddies are amateurs compared to Cyclone and Vengeance (old school, most not around anymore) trolls.
i have a 20 inch dick and i make 200$ an hour and i also have a supermodel girlfriend

and my house is 2000000000sq feet

just sayin
Goma said:
i have a 20 inch dick and i make 200$ an hour and i also have a supermodel girlfriend

and my house is 2000000000sq feet

just sayin

Good for you. The difference is, I am sitting at work getting paid while I post this and you are at elementary school in the library daydreaming. Right?

I am actually kind of busy today at work, so it's passing a lot faster than normal.

edit : BTW, not making fun of you for being at the school library. I am happy that you are there. It sure beats a life of crime.
nah im at home making 200$ hour

i work from home its pretty nice actually

i get to play wow all day and only work for a few hours
Goma said:
nah im at home making 200$ hour

i work from home its pretty nice actually

i get to play wow all day and only work for a few hours

If this is true, good on you. I wish I could be at home myself. I would accept a salary of 1/2 what I make if I could do it from home instead of here.

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