what class for fun pvp


hello everyone as title says im looking for a class to twink at 80-85-89 for some fun pvp. just run around in battlegrounds having fun nothing serious, i like seeing big numbers and having ok survivability. not a healer, as fun as it is to run around outhealing the noobs, its much more fun to kill them instead :)
if you can could you post a chardev for BiS pvp for the class/level you mention please.

thanks in advance :)

Nononono, you want to Run Rogue, and make sure you make a swifty macro that opens with all ur cooldowns + cloak and a /spit /laugh macro, you`ll global almost anyone and make them feel bad

or you can roll a mage

Swifty pet nova, deep orb, shatter, huge numbers

or roll a warlock and hope you don't fight rogues, that are doing to much to ur healer so you cant cast and watch ur 1hit chaos bolts
ret pala's be insane in 85.
monks are hugely underestimated @85 cus they dont have pvp gear.
unholy dk looks really good atm, but if you ever feel like respec'n to blood you shuld just shit yourself where you sit. (that is for pvp)
thanks for the replies however Bloodskillz and Hozuka what levels for those class's?

i have an 85 rogue and boomkin, however they're not pvp geared.

ive been curious about monk's, im leveling one atm but would you just run bg's in mainly pve gear?
ive been thinking about paladin, ive always found ret good fun.
thanks for the replies however Bloodskillz and Hozuka what levels for those class's?

i have an 85 rogue and boomkin, however they're not pvp geared.

ive been curious about monk's, im leveling one atm but would you just run bg's in mainly pve gear?
ive been thinking about paladin, ive always found ret good fun.

Monks are strong. Very underestimated, but strong. They do easily 150k burst dps and they have INSANE mobility. The can dish out the damage, CC, support, throw nice off-heals as a WW Monk. MW Monk is also strong. Very strong heals and if played correctly can kite you into infinity.
Here is a link to a WW Monk, pretty well geared: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/blades-edge/Hiccups/advanced

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