What brings you to the 80 bracket?


Calling all US & EU players


Post what brings you here? Is it the PvE side? The PvP? Or both?

Do you like the feeling of just getting in the raids to see the bosses? Ignoring mechanics or not? Do you like to get in here & try to relive the past or experience what you were never able to? Do you miss wintergrasp?

Maybe its the environment you miss? Possibly just the armor & weapons?

this post isnt meant to offend anyone, I'm just curious after being in the 80 bracket for awhile what brings us here?
p v p
Well, personally i like doing things as a team, i've known aelo for a while so when he asked me to come and make an 80 twink with him i gladly accepted as we've twinked alot in the past together and it has always been alot of fun, ontop of that i'm really enjoying raids as a guild and really looking forward to some things we have planned for the future, the PvP aspect of 80 twinking is another fun concept, either queuing by myself or with my guildees.

The challenges we can make for ourselves really add to the enjoyability and the sense of achievement which adds to the enjoyability of the 80 bracket.
Well everyone i know in wow has quit the game, and got nothing to do on my main so am rly interested in doing some pvp and pve on my old 80 DK, but that one guild there is i can only attend on weekends, so i guess it gona be pvp only.
I'm seriously considering the 80-84 bracket for serveral different reasons.

I love trying out a new bracket to see what it's like. Every bracket has its own feel, its own culture, so to speak. I find it bizarre that the 80-84 bracket gets games daily, and yet so few people talk about it. I literally did not know the bracket was even active until a month ago, and I still see posts regularly asking if the bracket is alive.

After doing some extensive WoWhead research and calculations, I'm shocked to find that the stats scaling from 80-84 works a lot like the 10-14 bracket. However, some class/spec talents and some T10 bonuses have a tremendous impact, making higher-than-80 builds viable. Like the 70-74 bracket, both PvP and PvE gear have much to offer at 80, and because cata gems require i285 gear, the lack of sockets from much of the cata gear available at level 80 makes for interesting gear choices. In all, the gear for the bracket appears to bring a tremendous amount of diversity.

Next, the 80-84 bracket adds the Isle of Conquest battleground into the mix, which none of the other XP-off brackets offer. I've never played that BG before.

Finally, like the 70-74 bracket, a decently-geared 80-84 doesn't use heirlooms. That means I could roll up an 80 on any server I wanted, and not have to worry about needing heirlooms for a BiS gearset.

I don't think I'll be able to resist rolling up a resto shaman for a new bracket for too much longer.
Just like 60 & 70 i am trying to get BIS gear on character that can equip most Legendarys, in this case, Paladin. Trying to get highest dps as ret highest avoidance/hp as prot and highsest healing stats as holy. After i get all of these, i get bored :)

I am weird
A lot of people looked at WOTLK as /faceroll type of an expansion, but I can honestly say I had many many fun times in ICC and also Ulduar being my favorite. What pushed me to go to the whole 80s scene was the amount of welfare level 70s in full s4 thinking they are good... it gets old quite fast. I had a 70 pally twink since BC that I was quite active on. I'm glad I left some of my toons @ 80, been playing since 2005 so leveling is quite a chore for me and for this I am grateful!

/mylifestory but that's why I'm into the 80 scene ;D
The people that facerolled wotlk really didnt do hard mode content...or at least they want something more to complain about

you remember algalon when he had an hour timer before toc? I dont remember people downing him easy. Remember death's demise? Funny my server just got the server first for it back in november. Remember light of dawn? Yeah wasn't so easy.

Wotlk isnt as easy as people put it out to be.

But there are things that are just to faceroll. For example my guild just 5 manned XT in progression gear minus the mage for the enrage timer. Our holy paladin in 3 pieces of 200 gear, rest in 187 or below solo healed it. We single tanked it including with the pummelers...somethings are just easy somethings aren't. Granted wotlk wasn't as hard as cataclysm t11 heroics pre-nerf...but they are somewhat difficult in its own sense.

The people who disagree with me have a lucky group of good players or haven't done it with the ilevel gear that raid drops (aka heroic 10m icc in 251/264 gear, ulduar 25m hm 219-239 non toc gear)
You are right 100%, the people that claimed faceroll were either #1 doing it in Cata, or #2 had 30% buff in ICC ect ect ... how is the guild coming along?

Oh and nice job with Ulduar ;) That's awesome ... speaking of blues I can't remember what the guild name was or which server they were from ... but they were all about clearing end game content in blues ect... it was pretty damn cool!
Hmm, Still think one mage one healer one tank could 3 man XT, with only the mage being in cata gear :)
I like the flexibility of being able to do any of the many raids, on 10 or 25man (sometimes with less people), normal or heroic (and/or achievements), and with WotLK or Cata gear.

That gives you a lot to choose from, opening up a lot more opportunities for progress or challenges no matter how many people you have online for a raid night.
Lunsh said:
Hmm, Still think one mage one healer one tank could 3 man XT, with only the mage being in cata gear :)

Depends on the tanks/healers gear. Our tank was in the best he could be in gear for progression, our healer was in almost full 187 gear, and our rogue was in full heroic 200 gear. We didn't have a trouble with beserk timer. We had like 2:15 left. The main thing you need to remember is that the heart dps has to be high and remember to kill scrapbots via the bombs. The pummelers go down pretty easy with just the tank itself but the healer has to be prepared. As the tank I usually saved my cd's for the tantrum because I'm taking damage from pummelers and the tantrum itself. Thats alot + the healer has to heal other people.
I'm not in the 80 bracket yet. I am however very curious about it and I'd really like to try it out.

Sadly I leveled my Scarab Lord paladin to 85 as soon as Cata came out, and then just quit because dungeons were taking too long and I didn't have time to spend hours in a dungeon to gear up for hours in heroics to gear up for hours in raids.

I have school and a job, so I don't have time for that. Thats why I like twinking. I can log on when I have time, and log off when I have to go - and still be possible for me to play among the best, and obtain the best gear.

I do still have an 80 rogue that I am concidering playing to test out the bracket, hope to see you guys being active

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