What bracket and class are the best for twinking?


i haven't been twinking since the tbc/wotlk days and i was interested in getting back into it, and i was hoping you guys could push me in the right direction.

First of all, which level bracket is recommended? Im guessing 10-19, but i was wondering if there are any other viable brackets like 60-69? Personally im interested in the higher brackets so i can play AV and EOTS as a twink. Is that possible, or will you end up in endless queues?

Which class would you guys recommend for the 10-19 cap, which one is clearly the strongest?
Also, which cap would you recommend if you want to play AV/EOTS, and what class is the strongest in that bracket?

On the EU servers, are there recommended servers/battlegroups for twinks, or are any viable?

Back in mop i saw obvious twinks with legendaries in regular games, is that normal now, or are twink and regular brackets still separate and was that done through an exploit?

This are my main questions right now, any help would be greatly appreciated :)

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