What are the best classes in the 29 bracket?


Can you guys give me a top 5 best classes list? I'm thinking of making a 29 twink and I want to know what options I have for character types.

Hunters are downright OP

Paladins also excel, but haven't looked into how this week's changes effect this bracket, if at all.

Rogues are very powerful if played and geared well

Druids are stars at flag carrying and very capable healers

Priests I'd say are excellent healers and can be very dangerous offensively if geared and played well.

That's how I think of them in very general terms of overall strength, not to say there aren't great players doing great things with other classes.




It depends on what you want to do.

Hunters are not everything. They are great dps, with lots of gimics...but there are other classes who have more to offer. Pallies/Shammies are by far the best flag runners for warsong. Large scale cc / and harassment are frost mages. Healers....depends on your style of healing you enjoy.

Hunters are not everything - Ive seen them owned by countless rogue. I...I like shutting down hunters by simply hybernating pets.
vinod said:
Hunters are not everything - Ive seen them owned by countless rogue. I...I like shutting down hunters by simply hybernating pets.

You haven't met a good hunter then o:
Rapt0R said:





^Seems about right, I think you forgot hunters though...
Rapt0R said:
You haven't met a good hunter then o:

I'd argue I haven't met a "good" of many classes, but the original question was about ranking classes for the 29 bracket, and I say that while hunters can put out some wicked damage from a distance, many are done for once you close the distance. I play a resto shaman and I've yet to meet a hunter I couldn't take down. Rogues give me more problems than hunters.

To be clear, I'm not saying hunters are crappy -- they're certainly as good as any class in the bracket. They put out some wicked ranged dps, and good hunters can really tie people up. Getting burned down by three of them is like drinking from a fire hose. But this whole "hunters are OP for the 29 bracket" that some of you claim? Never made sense to me, and I don't consider myself a particularly skilled shaman.

Edit: I forgot to actually say anything about top classes for the bracket. I suppose if I had to choose, rogues and warlocks make me work the hardest in the 29 bracket. Hunters are a challenge if they know their poisons. But really, I've met players from every class that really give me a hard time.

Warriors are powerful but they're very skill-intensive. A badly played warrior will get owned all day. Good skill with a warrior is enough to best any other class played by a worse player, though a duel with a good hunter is one you want avoid :p

With a healer and proper use of Free Action Potion, warriors will kill the most shit. Otherwise hunters I will agree are the most powerful in the bracket.
Bwappo said:
But this whole "hunters are OP for the 29 bracket" that some of you claim? Never made sense to me, and I don't consider myself a particularly skilled shaman.


lol I don't think hunters are OP, I just like to make jokes about them because so many people QQ about them.
i just tried to post an ENORMOUS fucking picture of the hunter class icon but this forum keeps giving me shit and i decided it was too much effort.
Hunters - overall a decent class that can preform any task well and alot of tasks great.

Priests - group heals/utaility, even as shadow your prob gonna be healing 30% of the time.

Shamans - decent dps as enhance and decent heals as resto, combined with the usefulness of totems. (you pretty much never see ele)

Rogues - high dps class that are great at guarding flags, killing carriers, providing excellent dps and alil cc if played properly.

Warlocks - if your idea of a fun time is running around dotting people, pissing people off, and topping dmg charts....a warlock could be for you. (decent cc if played properly)

Paladins - another decent overall class, they can heal, dps, or flag carry depending on what you want to do with your paly. (hell gather all 3 sets and have a grand ol time)

mages - great flag carriers, decent support dps and cc

druids - excellent flag carriers and healers. (ok at assisting dps but not primary role)

warriors - generally bottom of the food chain, but if played properly with the right assist..can be a very deadly combatant.
Hunters - If all hunters were perfectly played then i'd leave the bracket, fortunately a hunter is easy to play but hard to master. Plus everyone hates you. Good fcs, too, if you know how to use your traps and how to disengage forward.

Warriors: They got huge buffs with WotLK and are very deadly now. Their only downside is the not being able to charge in combat. But with Overpower being up after nearly every CD they put out some hefty dps. Good fcs in def stance with shield and some support.

Paladins: Still very very good but not as annoying as hunters. Everyone hates them too. Good fcs of course.

Warlocks: They can kill hunters with Soul Link and Herbalism HOT or healing pot and doing so is a lot of fun. Should be able to kill any opponent 1on1. And yeah mass dotting is fun, too, at least sometimes. Lousy fcs, a little better now with no-sacrifice-sacrifice-VW.

Mages: DPS is pretty weak, most of them are frost fcs and they are doing a good job. Still, hunters rip them a new one.

Shaman: Good survivability, decent dps, decent healing, very annoying if played right. Good fcs.

Priest: As disc great healing and great dps at the same time. Pretty op but noone seems to notice. Good fcs.

Rogue: They lost a lot of their opness but they are still very good in single target dps and in annoying opponents. Decent fcs but only because of sprint. After that and against several opponents they are screwed.

Druids: The only class i never really liked at 29. You always have too few of everything, talent points, mana, hp. They just don't work that well. Balance is fun and all but you will have huge mana isuess. Feral is great for FCing but only FCing is pretty boring. Feral dps is pathetic. Resto is decent but can be shut down way too easily.
Hunters are OP in the 1 vs 1 ONLY if the hunter knows how to kite correctly to keep a distance (a skill which very few hunters master). If the hunter does not kite correctly or he is being flanked by another opponent he can be taken down by any class.

The real problem with hunters is when there are 4 o 5 hunters in the same side. Even if they are not skilled enough, they can take control of the middle and stop the other team from getting flags through.

About pallies, though yesterday the vindication change wasn't still effective in EU, i respecced changing vindication and eye for an eye for the +crit talent. I think i won more with this change as my burst damage went out of the roof!

Priests seem very fun to play. I've met some priest twinks which played awesomely and were nearly unkillable. They make good FCs, and excel as support. AoE fear + bubbles + heals + dots is a great combination of abilities.
-Any- class played well rocks.

Hunters are zerged because everytard heals "omg qq op" - and therefore they roll hunter. Truth is, hunters can be shutdown. Rogues tend to eat hunters.

Priests are near impossible to kill as long as they have mana. I play alongside 1 priest healer alot, Hopz - with him and I in a bg ....NOTHING....kills us. It's the firckin shield that makes them amazing.

Hopz [char=Zuluhed]Hopz[/char]
Truth is, hunters can be shutdown. Rogues tend to eat hunters.

Actually, my first ever twink was a 29 hunter who wasn't really that well geared, and the only problems I had were fighting other hunters with more health.
yeah hunters have so many tools to CC rogues at mid, and even inside the bases : /

the only thing a rogue can do is time CDs properly and hope that the hunter doesn't know how to play too well
I've had experience on a hunter, rogue, druid, and my main 29 is a mage, from these I've come to the conclusion that hunters are always the best k/d ratio if they're any good at being a hunter. It's literally impossible to lose unless you get triple teamed by good rogues, and even then sometimes you come out on top if you have game. I've never seen a solo ANY other class do that much destruction in 29s.

With a healer? That's just not fair, cus me, a lowly mage, can destroy anything with a healer. Although, what I will say is that any class, played well, can destroy anyone else.

But if you're deciding on which 29 to play, don't choose a mage. Highly, highly, highly, highly don't recommend it. Unless you have severe dedication to wasting long hours getting raped in hunter full games to come to your best possible gear/spec setup, don't bother. You'll just get raped by just about everything.
Lloydganks said:
i just tried to post an ENORMOUS fucking picture of the hunter class icon but this forum keeps giving me shit and i decided it was too much effort.

I LOL'd hard at this.
What are you wanting to do?

I think everyone forgets what the point of WSG really is. The point of the battle is not to top the damage charts or healing charts. The point is to get 3 flag caps and get out. Not saying the good healing and good damage doesn't help, but you will never top the charts if you get in and only focus on winning the flag battle.

Now on the other hand, if the only reason you want a twink is to look at those charts and see your name at the top of the charts . . .

Damage = Hunter

Killing Blows = Hunter

Healing = Paladin

Flag Returns = Rogue (clicks the flag after the hunter kills the runner)

Deaths = Shaman ( or anyone below 25, as the hunter will 2 shot you)

I know not everyone will agree with what I put here, but that's my opinion.

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