Outside of Classic HC, WoW has ceased to be a source of joy & fulfilment for me since Nov. of last year.
Once 29's became a thing, I leveled/rerolled my roster & began the ICC Heroics grind to kit them out. After 2+ months of that joyful, grindtastic adventure I never even BG'ed with a single one of them. Not. Once.
Shortly thereafter, DragonFetish launched & I noped out of the WoW imposter into Hardcore Classic Wow pretty much fulltime.
What really took the wind out of my sails was the gear-rebalancing, that killed open-world farming: an in-game hobby/profession which I think I enjoyed more than playing with the toons I kitted out through farming. That loss. coupled with malicious 29's shitting in the souls of 20's locked in a the xpoff bracket, & our gearing process being limited almost entirely to WoD dungeons ( not awful, but VERY uninteresting ) has sucked the joy & exploration out of 20's for me.
I pop in from time to time, but It feels more like... like going back to a school you once attended as an adult.
Nostalgic, but isolating. The game I loved is a memory of a past I can only reminisce about, but not return to revel in.
Maybe 20's will make a comeback. Maybe changes will be made that are favorable to us & the F2P experience. Maybe we will do like the Classic HC enjoyers, & create our OWN content; but most likely, we will remain cyphers in the world. Appearing occasionally to bewilder levelers & people out in the world, nuking someone in a BG & disappearing like a forgotten memory.