What Am I Doing Wrong?


Well, I really don't know what to do at this point.

-Unavailable queues for BC Heroics... (I'm a healer)

-Can't Find Any 70's To Arena With (I offer money per match)

-No Guilds Will Do BC Raids With Me (Everyone's Too "busy" farming heroics :mad:)

-Spent the whole week advertising raid pugs that never take off

-Tried early in the Day, Afternoon, Evening, Night

-Tried Early In the Week, And every day on the weekend

I was just in Mount Hyjal, Vanquisher Token Drops. Only other eligible player is an 80 rogue who rolls a 7. I roll a 4. I offer 100g. They vendor the token.

Is it time to give up on 70 twinking?
no, dont give up. find a 70 twink server, or just a better server in general.

on most servers you can get 80s to come by advertising "hey 80s, come get X achieve!!!1", now that wont really last too long but should be a couple weeks b4 everyone that wants it has it.

if there's no 70s to arena, find new server. gl doing bc heroics..nobody but a 70 twink would waste time on that, and even in a 70 twink guild there's no point when you can clear sunwell in an hour.

and thats just too bad that a rogue out rolled you and then vendored it instead of taking 100g. you're the raid leader, say in the beginning that 70s get prio or something to prevent that. he's just an idiot for getting 5g instead of 100g and taking your ug in the process /sigh.
- Do you have a capped account? If not, you might want to think about downgrading, that way you'll be able to get into "regular" BG queues.

- Do you have $$ to xfer? If so, you can probably find a guild for 70s and play arena with a lot of people.

I personally am just getting into 70 twinking and I'm pretty excited about it. My 60 paladin worked out just great (even though she still needs a weapon) and I'm excited to pwn some noobs at level 70. :)
there are many things you must consider and one must have patience

- recent patch has added new gear pve/pvp, new content, new achieves. many on the 80's are no longer bored again and are racing to be the top pve/pvp twinks again. a 70 who put me on his arena team has not been on, since all his focus is on his 80 mage, etc. overall running for lower achievements or even playing lower level twinks goes on hold. holiday events also put things on hold, since they focus on 80's to get missed achievements.

- dungeon finder, it was like pop corn for me about 2 weeks before the patch, but now many of those level-70-75 that were queing to knock out achieves as they level, have either leveled or switched back to their 80's. in regards to dungeon finder, that has nothing to do with your server, it has to do more with population of all the servers on your battlegroup. generally if your BG ques suck, so will dungeon finder. if players are not BGing for XP they generally won't be running older BC heriocs either. to top that if they are leveling fast, and heading to northrend at 67-68 are missiing out on the reputation needed to buy the keys in order to que and get BC heriocs in dungeon finder. once they hit 80, they back track. yesterday i knocked out 5 herioc dungeon achievements catching 4 80's by chance doing them.

- all 80's aren't pro and many are dumb broke gold wise. i have been on many runs you mentioned and 80's need or even fight for drops even in 60 raids. some 80's also want gear that they never had in BC to wear for whatever reason. offering them gold works too at times, so they don't vend it.

- 80's to face the facts, are not going to be happy if you are on a kara run and you are needing every epic to fill a slots, then they see you on a hyjal, SSC, or BT run needing on epics to upgrade. this pisses them off, and later when they do runs that's why you see "LF more for Hyjal 80's only come get your achievement" in trade chat.

- so you have to face fact, that some runs, if they let a 70 even go, you will mostly accumulate badges of justice, achievements, and reputation. there is still some good gear to be had from the 3 vendors for these still in the game who sell epic items better than the blues you are currently wearing. you obviously have a 80 and are in a guild. maybe when they have time, ask 3-4 of them to rip you thru some 5-man heriocs. at the same time the 80's may need to finish the "outland dungeon hero" achievement.

- being on BC runs and getting nothing helps just like it helps in WotLK runs, because you will be able to link the achievement. this lets them know that you won't be stupid on the run and cause them to die.

- when 80's do a BC run and want only 80's, i tell them i'm a 70, link achieve, tell leader i just want reputation and more "badge of justice". usually that gets me on the run, once on i pass on all gear and drops. if a enchanter is in group you have to know what loot is at each boss before it is killed. that way you can announce "please don't DE "###########" paying ### gold to the winner for it". once 80's see this, you get invited on BC runs
Dietz said:
-Unavailable queues for BC Heroics... (I'm a healer)

also do you have the reputation and do you have the keys?


i was having same problem as you when dungeon finder came out, and had to back track quests and regular dungeons.

when i hit dungeon finder, i clicked random herioc and was not getting anything either. when i clicked specific dungeons was when i found out they were all locked and couldn't do them. when you scroll over them, it will say you do not have required item, etc. i had the reputation and had to go purchase keys
Yes I have the dungeon Keys, and the regular battleground queues are an hour+ for 4 vs 15 in EotS or AB.

I wasn't a raid leader in said raid, but I haven't even been able to get a pug going strong enough to down any bosses, let alone the achievement. >.>

shanker said:
- 80's to face the facts, are not going to be happy if you are on a kara run and you are needing every epic to fill a slots, then they see you on a hyjal, SSC, or BT run needing on epics to upgrade. this pisses them off, and later when they do runs that's why you see "LF more for Hyjal 80's only come get your achievement" in trade chat.

Shanker, most of what you said doesn't apply, and you are reading way too deep into other player's thoughts. You're talking as if players regularly PUG raids with each other and recognize names. No. It's usually bored players, poorly geared and terrible at their class who don't even know that Karazhan is a raid. They don't pay any attention to my goals, they just roll 'need' on everything that drops (given we manage to down something).

I sure as hell am not going to put the success/failure of my evenings into the hands of these guys. They all expect it to be a walk in the park, and when it isn't, expect me to hold their hand and do it for them. Half of the players are so lazy they just sit there dead, staring blankly at their screen, expecting a rez and free loot.

I am not gonna spend 20 hours a week begging for raids. I want to PvP, not raid. It's only worse at level 80, where all of the PvP gear is bought through conquest emblems. Spend your whole week farming for gear so that you can spend 2 hours raiding/pvping.

Having said that, I am considering transferring to another server. I have no way of knowing how serious a guild is, or how balanced the PvP is. In the past I have researched guilds/servers, payed who knows how much money to transfer there, then find out that the guild did a premade once, and most of the players aren't active. And if they are, I'm just stuck at "initiate" rank and am last priority.

I have cancelled my subscription for the moment, but may return if you guys can help me find a new server.
Make your own BC Raid pugs, master looter, 70 before 75 loot rules.

It's also a lot more fun if you don't pay people to arena with you, because they'll just leave most likely. Get a friend to arena with you, it's what I did and it was fun.

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