
stalking your ma.
The sky.

Bu dum chh
why couldnt garrosh have 24 hour maintenance? i didnt want to raid tonight. fuuuuuuuuuu blizzard
dude i had 24 hour downtime the night RS came out, fuck blizz
dude, i don't care about down time because retail is retarded. and end game PvE is pretty boring.
McBankington said:
dude, i don't care about down time because retail is retarded. and end game PvE is pretty boring.

is not !
play feral druid then, if you can handle it

and a rotation is the easiest thing you can learn. easier to learn it than actually apply it in a raid situation. lots of people think endgame is easy, but they're the ones who cant gem or gear or spec (cba to read EJ or know the slightest about their class) and wear 251 or 264 gear they were carried to
y up
McBankington said:
Spamming 4 attacks in a speciffic order and nothing else to it.


feral druid

enh shaman

shadow priest

have fun
Orcgasm said:
feral druid

enh shaman

shadow priest

have fun

I play spriest.

VT>SW:p>Dev. Plauge>Mind blast>SW:death if you can>mind flay spam until mind blast is off cool down or dots need refreshing.

not a challenge.

Feral druid shown above.

Enh sham, if I am correct is storm strike>Earth shock>lava lash and on 5 mael storm stacks chain lighting, keep all on CD. What else besides totem refreshing and using CDs?
so wait are you implying feral druid is easy? cuz its not at alllllllll. sure a noob can try and press the right buttons, but it takes skill to know when to use OoC proc, when to pool energy, when to use what attack, etc, etc, etc, etc all while switching targets and not standing in fire AND while not tunnelvisioning on your rotation. definitely one of the hardest classes to raid as. oh and lets not forget about tossing out innervates and battle rez's. if you want a challenge play one and see how your dps is. cuz i know i just got #1 on marrowgar (with tricks) and saurfang (w/o tricks) with a lot of 6k+gs people and i have a 5.8k.
boomkin is insanely easy, its my offspec and i just topped the charts on fester and rot (altho RNG was nice and i never got a mutant thingy on rot, and i was the collapse point on fester but i just get vile gas'd a few times)...my moonkin is just under 5.7k gs and still out doing 6k+. just goes to show skill > gear. also moonkin has a kind of simple rotation, but you can tell a pro from a noob. deciding when to cast which DoT, when to use what, etc. easier than feral but still gotta watch eclipse, rotate dots, move, brez, innervate, and all while obeying mechanics and not tunnel visioning. i routinely out dps higher gs moonkins who dont know how to gear and gem and suck with their rotation

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