Weather Beaten Fishing Hat


Is it possible? Wowhead comments all say no and you have to be level 70.

Secclusion (19 Hunter) has it. He got it the same day he got dread pirate ring.

Does anyone else have it here on TI?
There was a post alongg time ago that it became a level 70 requirement or something I can go try find it.
From what i know, No you can't get it ANYMORE. Secclusion by all accounts got it quite early prior to the release date of the weather beaten fishing hat, equipped it, but then blizz put a level onto it. Im not sure if he still gets stats from it though...

This is just what i reckon, for all i know, it could still be obtainable ;)
Xposure said:
Didn't they remove the lvl requirement again?

Yes they did, there was a fishing daily in org/sw in cata that gave the bag that you get the hat from. But the reward was taken out so if you want to get it you have to do it the original way. =]
Startled said:
Yes they did, there was a fishing daily in org/sw in cata that gave the bag that you get the hat from. But the reward was taken out so if you want to get it you have to do it the original way. =]

Your ment to say that it was originaly rewarded from fishing daily outside shattrat and was removed from the dalaran fishing event bag!?!
Fìalotta said:
Your ment to say that it was originaly rewarded from fishing daily outside shattrat and was removed from the dalaran fishing event bag!?!

No I was talking about the fishing daily coming in cata that was going to reward a bag with a chance to drop WBFH but blizzard removed the reward and replaced it with a crappy bag that drops a mixture of crap/potions. Sorry I wasnt clear. :S
Wow it sounds like you guys are just making $hit up, so let me set the record str8.

Can you still get it?...yes

Do you get stats from it? yes

Doesn't it have a lvl requirement? They put a level 70 requirement on it in the patch after they broke the Queue system which forced the Ruin Migration. They removed the level requirement in the 4.0 patch; things change, don't trust everything you read, especially from old thread responses.

Currently the only way to get it is from the "Bag of Fishing Treasures" awarded to anyone who turns in a black-tipped shark after the winner is declared in the Kalu'ak fishing contest which is once per week on Saturday @ 2pm server. From my experience chances of getting a shark are probably around 1 shark per 3 contests assuming that you are fishing the ENTIRE contest.

In Cataclysm it is a rare drop from the "Bag of Shiny Things" which is awarded by completing the fishing daily in Stormwind or Orgrimmar.

My Reccomendation: wait 2 more weeks for cataclysm then you wil be able to get a shot at the WBFH everyday. It may still take you a month or more to get but your chances are much better than getting it from the Kalu'ak fishing contest.

Steamed said:
*search button! more than meets the eye*

So true
Secclusion said:
Wow it sounds like you guys are just making $hit up, so let me set the record str8.

Can you still get it?...yes

Do you get stats from it? yes

Doesn't it have a lvl requirement? They put a level 70 requirement on it in the patch after they broke the Queue system which forced the Ruin Migration. They removed the level requirement in the 4.0 patch; things change, don't trust everything you read, especially from old thread responses.

Currently the only way to get it is from the "Bag of Fishing Treasures" awarded to anyone who turns in a black-tipped shark after the winner is declared in the Kalu'ak fishing contest which is once per week on Saturday @ 2pm server. From my experience chances of getting a shark are probably around 1 shark per 3 contests assuming that you are fishing the ENTIRE contest.

In Cataclysm it is a rare drop from the "Bag of Shiny Things" which is awarded by completing the fishing daily in Stormwind or Orgrimmar.

My Reccomendation: wait 2 more weeks for cataclysm then you wil be able to get a shot at the WBFH everyday. It may still take you a month or more to get but your chances are much better than getting it from the Kalu'ak fishing contest.

So true

<3333 thank you secclusion.
I would say yes. The only exception to it I would say is more of a preference for damage classes. They could use the BoAs to increase damage output although I doubt it would be more beneficial that the survivability that the WBFH provides.
Grabbing that much stam in one slot opens up a lot of gear options for every class. Also remember that the 40 spirit will be fucking beast for healers. Any healer with WBFH will probably never oom since they rarely do as it is.

Edit: just realized that this makes green lens of stam worth a hell of a lot less

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