Waw Tawent?

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<The Awesome>
i was in a wsg with 6 of your waw tawent people today and I thought this was going to be a smooth easy wsg. But as soon as we capped 2, you guys started to camp GY? that isn't what twinking is about. this was straight up farming too. just sat with the flag at GY and farmed. i am horde, but can't you see how this can only backfire? if you begin to camp the other faction, they will only want revenge and camp HKs in return! but you took it a step further even - me and another character who refused to camp GY with you were reported and kicked from the BG. play fair guys
Way to afk out of hard games noob. People like you are the reason this bracket is ruined.

Anyone like you in our guild would be immediately gkicked. We don't tolerate such low behavior.
The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place. It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!
Slyddur said:
Way to afk out of hard games noob. People like you are the reason this bracket is ruined.

Anyone like you in our guild would be immediately gkicked. We don't tolerate such low behavior.

did you read my post correctly? before you go around throwing those words out, be sure to read things thouroughly...i didn't /afk i was kicked. someone reported me for being idle because i refused to camp GY with waw tawent, and the only way i could get this debuff off was to kill a player. not going to happen when all the enemy players are getting ganked at GY.
Pizza said:
The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place. It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!

im not trying to say that dude, im just asking you: do you see how this will cripple this bracket in the future? each game will become a "cap 2 and GY camp" game. if that is what you like please make an exp on character and proceed to gank in the exp on bgs.
once again to make it absolutely clear: i was not on the alliance team and i did not /ragequit for being GY camped. i was on horde, and i was reported AFK and kicked for not gy camping
I'd just like to publicly thank Pizza for running a strong guild for this whole time. Great members full of spirit, joy, and happiness that everyday try to better our community. I think it's great how none of the members of WT are trolls, it sets an example to twinks and spikes others' spirit too. I also really like how dominant of a person Pizza is. I mean, he's a guy who goes on and on in forums posting about strengthening our community of twinks, and then Graveyard farms them because he is teaching them to get back up and keep trying. This shows me a great leader, and a excellent role model for fellow twinks.
to all u idiots to stupid to see that waw tawent is trying to spark some interest in people to try and beat them......o wait.
Wow, can't believe how arrogant Wow Tawent players are
i remember, back in my early WoW days, i had a 19 priest with 800 health 800 mana 0 sp/healingp. but it was fun as hell. no knowledge of exploitable terrain, no knowledge of perfect gear, AND to top it all off, a sergeant rank!

now 19s are 15 year olds trying to be the best in a bracket that is, well, easy mode within easy mode (15 year olds aren't good at higher brackets). so you're going to get 15 year old maturity. either gtfo of 19s like me, or handle the bullshit
As you probably already know, Blizzard's system for booting AFK players is perfect. There is no possible way for a non-AFK player to be booted from a BG.
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