Was hoping for something different, was totally disappointed.

After reading some threads, I decided to give the f2p twink a shot. After all, everyone seemed so friendly and it wasn't much of a time investment.

So I got to 20, got mostly geared (still missing a few pieces), but I decided to step into a couple of WSG to get a feel for what I was up against and to start getting the honor I needed.

And, no surprise, everyone is just as much of a dick as they are at 85. Getting laughed at, spit at, having the alliance camp us into our gy while they have 2 flag caps for 15 minutes. I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, it would be fun and people could actually be sportsman like. I guess I should have known better.

And yes, I made an account just to complain about it. You want people to make twinks so you have a larger pool to play against? This is not the way to keep people interested.
Grody1 said:
old school 19s were all hunters and rogues......

When I started in TBC, I played a rogue for about a month, and got known as 'The Hoover' for the way I went through newbies (45% crit rogue). Then I started going after the other twinks, took what I learned, and started playing healing priest, destroying the kind of rogue I used to play. I have A.D.D., and farming newbies got boring fast, so I'd say people who are still doing it after the first month are pretty much losers with no skill.

Grody1 said:
TI members for the most part are strictly against that type of behavior.

Unfortunately what I call 'GvP twinks' (gear vs player twinks, as opposed to PvP twinks who get gear so they are on equal terms, and play against other twinks, not newbies) are still welcome on TI, there even being some in moderator positions. That's why I'm setting up my own site dedicated to F2P, where new players are seen as the future of the bracket, and vital to it's continued existence, rather than players to selfishly farm for lulz.

I'm even going so far as to write a 'referee' addon to restrict the gear and consumables people use in war games, because I find the game a lot more fun when gear is taken out of the equation, and people have a real challenge, regardless of what class they play.
kaizokkunoou said:
After reading some threads, I decided to give the f2p twink a shot. After all, everyone seemed so friendly and it wasn't much of a time investment.

So I got to 20, got mostly geared (still missing a few pieces), but I decided to step into a couple of WSG to get a feel for what I was up against and to start getting the honor I needed.

And, no surprise, everyone is just as much of a dick as they are at 85. Getting laughed at, spit at, having the alliance camp us into our gy while they have 2 flag caps for 15 minutes. I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, it would be fun and people could actually be sportsman like. I guess I should have known better.

And yes, I made an account just to complain about it. You want people to make twinks so you have a larger pool to play against? This is not the way to keep people interested.

You know what? No! You probably played some freakin UP class and what you call "geared" is probably full greens. If you made an account just to complain, we don't trust/know you yet, and half that post could be totally wrong. G'day ma'am/sir
kaizokkunoou -I should have known better


Unfortunately trolling/flaming or whatever you wanna call it is endemic in MMO's. All i can say is some people have to be need to be a lil more thick skied. Don't stop playing a potentially fun game just because of some douches, and don't become a twink if just because you you don't wanna get trolled, do it for the passion, the challenge, the fun.
anyone else want to put down a bet that he's a rogue or a hunter?

posts like this are just yet another reminder (drumroll) that......you people need to STOP. QUEUING. FOR. WARSONG. GULCH. i'm 100% in agreement with this guy that WSG in this bracket SUCKS. if you are not almost completely twinked out with 1100+ HP, you WILL get insta'd, you WILL get farmed, you WILL be unable to cross midfield and participate in pvp. you WILL have your WSG games ruined by hunters OVER and OVER again. contrast this to arathi basin, where my friend who just rolled a warrior yesterday and got up to level 20 went 17-1 and led the battleground in damage on a warrior with 800 HP.

you want to have fun in this bracket? stop playing warsong gulch. you can't change how other people act. you CAN change your own decisions. stop. queuing. for. warsong. gulch. play arathi basin, have fun doing legitimate pvp, and ignore the occasional rude emote.
Sorry you've had this experience Kaiz. I can assure you that many of us here are trying to encourage good sportsmanship (which includes limiting 24s, not camping GY, etc.). What I've done if my team wants to farm is I make sure I'm in position to get the 3rd flag and I just take it and cap it immediately...it doesn't make friends out of the GY farmers but it does keep people queueing on the other side and I think it helps keep people engaged in the bracket.

THing is what he mentioned is not even us. Out of the many pugs he played prob only one of us were in there. So tbh theres nothing wrong with this bracket. Its the same as all the others. They troll and gy farm in any bracket. Thats the norm in pvp.
The thing is, f2p is not exclusive to the people who post in this forum. We do what we can to encourage sportsmanship but there are always those who will roll 24s and there are plenty of people who are true trials and do not yet see the value of good sportsmanship. My advice is to make sure that you roll on a server that is populated with f2p (aerie peak) and play with like-minded people.
you ppl are mad at 24s in the bracket but its dumb how you guys dont just make F2P lvl 19s. make a lvl 1 get a friend with a 2 seat flyer find a rare that drops items worth gold sell them freeze lvling at lvl 19 and gear. whos the real people who are bad here? the people who pay to play a 24 or the people who make a trial to play a 20 twink for free? argue to blizzard if you want but i think $ > trial.
Randythehero said:
you ppl are mad at 24s in the bracket but its dumb how you guys dont just make F2P lvl 19s. make a lvl 1 get a friend with a 2 seat flyer find a rare that drops items worth gold sell them freeze lvling at lvl 19 and gear. whos the real people who are bad here? the people who pay to play a 24 or the people who make a trial to play a 20 twink for free? argue to blizzard if you want but i think $ > trial.

No its dumb that you think we can competively fight twinked lvl 19s who will have much better gear than us. At least in lvl 20 we can get some of our major skills and slightly better gear. Sure for some lvl 19 is okay but why shud we. We play for free so we can enjoy pvp for free. Thechallenge is there for a reason. We dont think they are bad we just dont like how they intentionally make lvl 24s. So obviously no one here is bad.
19 XP off is populated almost exclusively with BiS or near BiS toons. 20-24 has very few 24s and most of them are so terrible that their gear and level advantage doesn't help them much. If you roll f2p you are much more likely to find even competition at 20 than 19.
Rivfader said:
19 XP off is populated almost exclusively with BiS or near BiS toons. 20-24 has very few 24s and most of them are so terrible that their gear and level advantage doesn't help them much. If you roll f2p you are much more likely to find even competition at 20 than 19.

Prefectly put.
Rivfader said:
19 XP off is populated almost exclusively with BiS or near BiS toons. 20-24 has very few 24s and most of them are so terrible that their gear and level advantage doesn't help them much. If you roll f2p you are much more likely to find even competition at 20 than 19.

It's not the impression I have with so many "24 hunters are killing this bracket" QQs

I'll be leveling a 20 since well, it's free. But I'm having a lot of fun at 19 right now. It doesn't seem that unbalanced IMO
people who claim that 24s are a problem in this bracket are straight-up lying. i'm tired of seeing that shit being posted here. frankly, most of the people who post in this forum do not actually pvp at 20. most of the armories from here that i check have barely any HKs at all.

i actually pvp in this bracket, and i am telling you right now that 24s are quite simply not a problem. there is an average of less than one 24 per AB game, and that's including both 15 player teams. even when there are 24s, they are incredibly bad the vast majority of the time and do not pose a very big threat. even if they did, one person in a game with 15 person teams is not going to make a very big difference.

tldr: 24s are not a problem in the level 20 bracket. stop spreading lies and saying that they are.
Never mind that if there were enough 24s for them to be a problem, there are sufficient F2P 20s to play war games regularly, and avoid them completely.

And exactly the same thing can be done in both the 15-19 and 10-14 brackets.

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