
Start from here

Walk straight up

At the last step jump up. Boom

Start from here. Run and jump. 'w' and then 'spacebar' ,keep watch of the angle. Do not touch the stump

Must be wedged here

Turn sideways to theright and jump up. Will depend upon size. 'spacebar' and then 'w'

Must keep the angle like this.

Stand in the middle that is the highest point on this side kick stump.

With a normal lvl 10 you can make this jump. lvl 14 hunters(Disengage) and Goblins (Rocket boots) will find this much easier to do. Monks 'roll' will not work. If you cant seem to do this jump use a swiftness potion. And Minor speed enchant will help greatly. All you have to do is jump up. 'spacebar' and then 'w'


Get on the left stump. My back is towards ally base and im facing horde gy. Need to jump on top of tiny stump here.

Now this is going to take much practice from the way i showed you. A much better way is to get into the middle between all three stumps and then jumping as you get an even more higher ground.

You will be practicing this alot. When you landed on the tiny stump in the picture i showed you before. turn on auto walk and move a wee bit back. turn it back off and run and jump up here. 'w' and then 'spacebar'

Get in the middle which is the highest point.

Take a flying leap by 'w' and then 'spacebar'

Start off from a distance

Get in this angle. run and jump. 'w' and then 'spacebar'. must be exact position and a fast start

see same angle. now jump up. 'spacebar' and then 'w'

Get on the highest point.