Warriors!!!! :) My opinions...


Warriors seem like the class that people frown upon the most... Hell even I'd say free kill as any other class, but to me what makes the warrior fun is the fact that they cant set up a kill easily.. You have to work for it. Pallys can stun then free cast/hit away for 6 sec.. Rogues can sap ambush evasion then crip poison you to hell... Hunters... Yeah I won't go there.. Mages nova to frost bolt... Druids earthbind then free cast. Locks fear then cast... See a patern? All these moves against a warrior make warriors weak.. BUT! Get a warrior on Defense.. Free action potion and charge from the third floor... Hehe that's fun seeing hunters spaz out when I trinket out of scatter and they can't slow me Down!!! Warriors can own hard if played right and in the right area of the BG . they are now my most respected class...
Because hitting for ridiculous amounts of damage is what you would call not being able to set up a kill easily?

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