Warrior twink without BoAs, is it worth it?


Hi, I was looking to roll an alliance warrior, but I lack access to BoAs. So far this is the template I worked up (note: I left AGM out as I figure I'll currently have a slim to nil chance of obtaining one, so I'll probably use the AB trinket til then which I forgot to put in the profile)

character planner . a warrior - chardev.org

I've been comparing it to other twink warriors in the bracket. My HP seems decent, but my damage is pretty low compared to theirs, which is understandable. I've always heard Warriors are pretty reliant on BoAs, so I didn't know if it would be worth it to try one without them. I know I can roll a FC warrior which doesn't need BoAs, but I'd like to play arms for now. Any thought on this or my profile would be appreciated.
39 warr


You pretty much got it all, so i dont see much stuff to change well some slots are debatable but hey, no big deal.

Refer to Powerglove's 39 Arms/Fury Warrior Guide maybe for some inspiration.

Yes arcanite reaper pretty much rocks now as a preffered 2Hander but i was using bonebiter till now as well.

Heres my char for checking, just have tank gear equiped :p

The World of Warcraft Armory - Abbendis @ Wildhammer - Profile

good luck, look for some good consumables + free action pot, they rock
Thanks for the reply. I checked out PGs guide which will really help out. There are some things I still have questions about. There didn't seem to be any mention of Bonebiter there. Does the slower speed of Lumbering Ogre Axe beat out the extra stats you'd get from Bonebiter? While on the topic of weapons, I was wondering if it would be worth it to have a weapon with Crusader on it, and on proc to switch over to say a LoA with Savagery on it. Does this sound like a good idea or would the weapon timer reset not be worth it?

Also, there was no listing of Polished Jazeraint Armor, are Robes of the Lich more preferable? (or, assuming you can just switch between the two depending on if your opposition is melee heavy or not?)
Yes u can build a warrior with out boas and still b competitive/good. I have a 39warrior with zero boas and I do quite well respectively. Look u Medivon server Lethon on the armory. That's my guy. I'd send a link but I'm on iPhone n don't know how lol. Hope that helps some.

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