Warrior LvL 60 a few questions


Hi guys, well I discovered this forum in thought hoping that anyone could help me out a bit. First of all here is my LvL 60 Warrior on Vanilla Account.

The World of Warcraft Armory - Theproof @ Black Dragonflight - Profile

So my problem is that I am really not sure how to spec for PvP in Alterac Valley? I switch between Arms and Furry everyday... If I'm arms I like how I can fight DK's, Warriors etc. better except casters, and if I don't crit my dps is pretty poor in arms spec...

If I go furry I got 40% crit chance and 1450 attackpower unbuffed with Grand Mashalls Claymore and the Dark Edge as off hand. But the problem here is, that I am way easier to kill for dks, and warriors. But I dps more out I think!

So that was the major problem that I noticed when I play my warrior.

Other thing, if I go Alterac Valley, I am really one of the guys that dies most, not because I suck at playing, just because all enemy players always dps on me first and stun me nonstop... It really gets annoying and tiring! What can I do about that? Just stay back and defend Towers? Cause in 1vs. 1 I'm unstopable... So please give me some advice, how to DPS most and survive in Bgs!

Thanks and have a Good1
Agreed with Sanodar, warriors are breakfast for most ranged with a tad of understanding, if they don't have a healer on their back.

I can only speak for myself, but warriors are basically just a bump in the road (I'm playing a Shadowpriest). However, today - for the first time, I came across a warrior who could actually knock me down. Though he was in a t3/t2 mix with TF and prot specced.

But yeah basically, I'd either say arms (with a mash of stam/arp), or prot - prot really proves it worth once you get some proper gear.

Have fun with it mate :)
hi. i got a 60 warrior aswell on eu, defias brotherhood called Missis. and i got one question... why do you have dark edge in offhand? the procc is a killer in pvp and the weps dps/dmg is way over grand marshals(yes its 0.3 slower but you still do higher crits with dark edge)

Hope this helps and good luck^^

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