Warrior Discussion: Arms vs. Protection - PUGing


washed f2p tink
I personally think Arms will out-perform Protection in every aspect besides FCing.

Both specs are pretty good right now. Arms has always been good even since cata, warriors just had poor mobility back then. Prot as we all know is very good right now, especially with shield slam one-shotting people.

Just look around your average pug and see 8 out of 10 warriors on both sides being prot right now. Both specs are good for pugging, and I'm not a warrior specialist, so I can't give you numbers, but i would assume arms has more sustained damage right now, Take your pick.
I actually had someone chew me out for FC'ing last week because "only people who can heal themselves should FC". This was a paladin speaking. Of course the most OP classes--paladins and druids--are going to be the ones claiming that only they can do anything useful in a BG, but I like to FC and I think warriors are good for it.

Having said that, though, I'm starting to miss Arms, and I definitely miss the days of Fury (as you can tell by my sig picture which I have never gotten around to updating). I'm thinking about going back to Arms now that I've done enough empirical testing with Prot. But I was already leaning towards Prot before the recent buff, because I wanted to FC! So confusing...
Arms has more consistent numbers to keep healers pressured and can put out more burst then prot. Downside is you're a bit squishier.
arms. cuz wiv out dem u cant swing your axe
I like to go prot so the other prots don't think they are super special cutting me in half in arms
Arms does more consistent damage, has a healing debuff, and if you actually know how to manage rage and cooldowns, has equivalent burst. Prot has the lolinstagib potential is is much more durable. They're both perfectly viable, it just comes down to playstyle.
as mentioned before, i enjoy the healing debuff from arms, however your 'mail' armor gets torn through like a bitch as if you were wearing nothing at all. i prefer arms though, since it is the last class/spec that can use bloodied arcanite reaper (the most badass 2 hander) and not suck. (RiP ret)
For puging i think prot is better, decent dps and can fc if needs be with that mitigation. Arms is great with a decent team, you can actually survive long enough to make use of the healing debuff and the consistent dps
bloodied arcanite reaper


Obviously the specs outperform each other in different situations. That said, arms has a much higher skill cap. You have to stance dance, focus charge, debuff, shield swap, actually manage rage, the nuances of arms make it so satisfying to fluidly navigate burst and cc. The purist warrior, in this patch, will not participate in prot nonsense. My war is my original f2p, and it disappoints me to see so many simpletons rerolling for the one shot, tainting all warriors in the process.

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