Warrior Changes - 3.3.3

revenge is gonna be pretty insane. right now minimum damage is [89(base) + AP *0.207] and max damage is [107(base) + AP *0.207]. a 50 percent increase to base and scaling would make this prett OP.

133.5 + 300*.3105 =226.62

160.5 +300*.3105= 253.65

for a warrior with 400AP the max would be 284.7 (noncrit)

Think we'll see more prot warriors at 19?
If I'm not mistaken pretty much every good warrior is sword and board anyway, only thing it change is stance dancing when melée attacks you since revenge will on proc off of block/dodge/parry. I think OP will still be attack of choice
we'll you're not exactly gonna block a lot of casters, thats what I'm talking about with stance dancing. This would prolly make tactical mastery a very needed talent.
Revenge is an awesome skill, that should be clear for everyone. The problem is its highly situational. Attempting to use it youll lose your rage and you open your enemy an opportunity to escape, since you wont be able to hamstring again for a while. On top of that you cant use it unless youve just dodge/parried/blocked.

So because of the rage loss in order to effectively use revenge you would need to have tactical mastery talent, which would mean youve spend 5 talent points to buff one very situational skill, which in its current state is kinda stupid.

Althought now with the 50% dmg buff this could change, being able to situationally hit/crit for 150/300 could be well worth those talent points. Just need to test it out I guess.

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