[Warmane WotLK] 39s 2v2 Ranked Arena Season - Starting Feb 16th


Head Admin
Hello Dears,

w/ the upcoming reset of Warmane's Arena Season we'll begin our 2nd 39s 2s Season! All you have to do to participate is queue rated 2s w/ your 39s on Lordaeron and/or Icecrown.
Don't have one yet? Now's the perfect time to create one! If you need any assistance, we have funding plans & enchanters. Unsure whether you'd like it? Try it out w/ one of our rental™ 39s™!

Rewards will be announced at a later date.

Check out our Discord for more: https://discord.gg/GXjBzyD

<3, :sela:
I might actually do this... I'm leveling a shaman casually on Icecrown (7x rates btw)

inaccurate time (includes hours of AFK) but I started him yesterday
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