Warcraft Movie Trailer, Overwatch Short Tomorrow, Tweets, Frost Mage Spec Preview


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Warcraft Movie Trailer
Yet another trailer has been released, with a few new clips.

Overwatch Short Tomorrow
Don't forget to check back tomorrow at 12 p.m. PDT for the first Overwatch Short, Recall! It tells the story of Winston, including his thoughts and memories as he wrestles with the decision to recall the agents of Overwatch, all while the forces of Talon stage an attack on his laboratory in the abandoned Watchpoint: Gibraltar.

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Mage (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Hate to be that player, but the only problem I have with Legion rn is that fire mages have mandatory frost spells/talents. X_x
Seen feedback in both directions. "I'm a fire mage, I only want fire spells" & "I'm a Mage I should be able to use all schools" (holinka)

Please do not force LFR on players (for the artifact upgrade questline). At least let them do Normal Raiding in place of LFR.
You can do it in other difficulties, LFR/LFG is just an option for players without premade groups. (WarcraftDevs)

I'm kinda surprised, devs didn't take lessons learned from dungeon finder and lfr when they made ashran.
Different situation when direct competition is involved. (holinka)

Will the arena also function in the actual zone? Like free-for-all Nagrand arena in outland Nagrand? Would be nice!
No. This location in the world is used by the Feral Druid artifact acquisition line and will not function as such. (WarcraftDevs)

the new arena looks amazing. Did Julien work on it?
Yup Chris and Julien collaborated on it and did a great job! (holinka)

Are Horde players going to get an option to fire back at Tyrande's insults in Val'Sharah, like the Alliance had with Vol'jin?
The dialogue in the beta got a lot of deservedly negative feedback, it's being changed! (DaveKosak)

Pets and Pet Battles
So there might be 'collector content' but not so much 'battler content', which will upset one side. Or vice versa. Tough to find a balance.
I think that both groups both can and should be satisfied, the game is richer for having both, and cross-pollination. (Muffinus)

Ghostcrawler Tweets
Ghostcrawler still occasionally talks about WoW. Remember that he no longer works for or speaks for Blizzard.
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
It has been 2 years already? Man I still remember Riot announcing you joining their company and everyone being scared of Lissandra Nerfs
They actually introduced me around the office as the person who would focus on buffing Lissandra. For the record, my frost mage in WoW was like level 32 or so. Not sure she ever PvP'd. It was just an urban legend.

Final Boss - Frost Mage Spec Preview
Final Boss is back with another spec preview!

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