US War games


With the recent decrease in brain cells at activision (the pricks) it looks like we, as a twink community, will have to start organising stuff ourselves or we will have to face the immensely long queue times at certain points throughout the day. It seems now more than ever war games need to be organised and need to happen often to keep people from leaving the bracket. For this reason I will again link the sign up sheet for my next few war games. (you come up as anonymous dw) if you don't have a gmail account you're always welcome to sign up here as a reply just drop your bnet, race (there is horde v horde, horde v alliance and alliance v alliance. You can participate in all) I'm organising less competitive and a lot more relaxed war games for practice but throughout the year I will organise more competitive ones. Peace brothers keep the 19 bracket alive fk these activision pigs.

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