Want to find a partner


Im looking for some one who wants to make a new account and level to 60 for with me. I will recruit you and we will have recruit a friend xp. But i can not lvl until june 7th when i get out of school. I figure that this is a good offer to anyone who wants to make a new 60 twink you'll be 60 before you know it. Private message me or email me at jetstud44@yahoo.com.
so basically we pay 20 bucks for new acct, pay for the subscription, level to 60, grant 30 lvls to a toon of your choice.....and you get a month free for your "good offer" where we are 60 "before we know it?" Sounds like one god awful deal in which we get jack for nothing IMO.
I never intended it to be any scam or anything i just wanted to make a rogue and lvl him fast and figured id post a thread seeing if anyone wanted to make a new 60.
Gongshow said:
I never intended it to be any scam or anything i just wanted to make a rogue and lvl him fast and figured id post a thread seeing if anyone wanted to make a new 60.

Im actually looking to recruit some one my self atm what I offer is 60 guild backing :)

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