Wannabe 74 Rogue twink video

Yooo... Once I got my engineering maxed I just frapsed like 1 game of WSG and some duels, there was no editing at all, just tossed in the clips and some music I had on my computer

As Sub & Muti, depends totally on the clip

Most of it is @ 75-79 ( I was lvl 75 )

And some parts are at 70-74,

YouTube - 70-74 Twink Rogue Cataclysm

Don't complain about quality or editing, That was not in interest, But I'd love to hear some criticism about my play-style :Alliance:
hahahahahaahahhaahahah xdddd 480p ctrl+w
Nope I don't xD But somehow the video comes out in 480 and that laggy ... Got no idea why, WMM ftl, might be my crappy computer but I don't play as laggy as that, but mostly the videos purpose was to show how op the Bolt gun is to my mate,
Get in combat, Kidney shot, Bomb it, Dead. Refresh.
That was just my point about the whole thing :) - But tbh I didn't get as many bolt gun shots as I wanted to, Got some nice 1v2 action somewhere and thats when I decided to toss all the other stuff I gathered from frapsing into a short movie, no editing at all just mark and paste'm

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