Vigorous Belt of Stamina?

I've been looking for a Vigorous Belt of Stamina (Leather Belt with 8 stamina) for my FCing set.. I've seen the cloth and mail versions of it.. but after countless randoms, i've had no luck getting a leather version. Anyone able to confirm whether it exists or not? Thanks.
doesn't exist. 6/6 monkey is your best bet
Like he said, but maybe if you want max stam just take thecloth one if not better get the monkey one
Daviddraiman said:
I've been looking for a Vigorous Belt of Stamina (Leather Belt with 8 stamina) for my FCing set.. I've seen the cloth and mail versions of it.. but after countless randoms, i've had no luck getting a leather version. Anyone able to confirm whether it exists or not? Thanks.

You mentioned your looking for this item for your "FCing set". If your looking for the BiS FC'ing Belt for your leather user(i am guessing/suggesting it's a druid) then check kores guide for BiS FC'ing belt.

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