[VIDEO] 19 Hunter Twink PvP (Patch 4.03a)


I'm aware that there's a video forum, but it seems fairly dead! There hasn't been hardly any videos with 4.03a content, and if there are people out there that are interested in footage, like me, hopefully this forum will reach them easier than it would on the videos section.

Like I say in my description, I don't know much about the hunter class, or min-maxing WSG strategy - I made this primarily to showcase, inform, and entertain!

Please watch in HD, preferably on youtube itself!


From the video description:

19 Hunter Twink PvP, filmed during 4.03a

DISCLAIMER: I haven't properly played a hunter at 80, nor do I have prior experience with the class. Considering the stigma against twinks, this is most certainly not a skill video - it's merely intended to entertain and show people how low level PvP works, particularly for hunters, in the increasingly popular twink brackets.

This video is a showcase of a few clips from Warsong Gulch in patch 4.03a in the level 19 xp-OFF bracket. This means that I'm only fighting other people who have also turned off XP, meaning that they're also twinks, and that our gear is on relatively equal footing.

My gear isn't the best, because JP costs are too high for me to even consider putting effort into grinding out BoA chests, shoulders, and weapons. My gear setup, however, does place me at the hit cap and give me good offensive stats, so I'm happy with it. I'm using Keeshan's Bandana, a white headpiece, because the resistance values it gives reduces fire and arcane damage by an average of 26%. This means that I could resist anywhere from 5% to 50% or so of an arcane/fire attack - explosive shot, arcane shot, arcane barrage, arcane missiles. Better than 8 stamina, I think - but when I finally get that Weather Beaten Fishing Hat, you can say goodbye to that tattered piece of red cloth!

I rolled this human hunter the day 4.03a came out, and got boosted to 19 via the help of my friends. My friends also helped me get my first AGM fairly quickly too, so that's nice. That said, I'm way to poor to actually spend money on faction/race changes, so a lot of the grandfathered gear from pre 4.03a and horde-only gear was/will always be unobtainable for me.

also, disengage is the coolest ability ever

don't mess with yetimus

peace and love

Music (in order of apperance):

Saturn Bomberman - Ending Credits?

Bob Sinclair - World, Hold on

Mike Snow - Animal (Fake Blood Remix)

Moussa Clarke & John Ashby - And The Beat Goes On (Funk L'Amour Remix)
With your XP-off make sure you focus more on gameplay than simply "pwning" people. I had to wait until 10:18 in that video until I saw you actually do something useful (distracting shot while you returned a flag), earlier in the video you let your teammate flag runner go right by you while you stayed in the horde tunnel to "pwn" people. Keep it up though 7 flag returns in 15 games is not a bad ratio.
Grabco said:
With your XP-off make sure you focus more on gameplay than simply "pwning" people. I had to wait until 10:18 in that video until I saw you actually do something useful (distracting shot while you returned a flag), earlier in the video you let your teammate flag runner go right by you while you stayed in the horde tunnel to "pwn" people. Keep it up though 7 flag returns in 15 games is not a bad ratio.

i let him run by me and ran forward to wing clip all three of them, then they spent the next two minutes trying to kill me instead of going after our FC! i'm no WSG expert, but having played it for years i find peeling is pretty handy for the FC. :(
nice video...that was an epic fight you had with the priest/prot...ending was great. FIVE STARS

Edit: keeping 2 people that can heal distracted on you for that long IS NOT useless like the above poster was saying...at first glance he's just e-peening kills but you have to think about it...it does help your team to keep enemy healers CC'd...distracted....healing themselves only...busy...dead. Still five stars.
cor154 said:
thanks, i appreciate it! i got really lucky at the end, with some major crits on the priest and no stun with my bat down - if only mend pet ticked harder than 35 every few seconds. ;(

True, hunters shouldn't have ANY weaknesses at ALL :p
Kristopher said:
nice video...that was an epic fight you had with the priest/prot...ending was great. FIVE STARS

Edit: keeping 2 people that can heal distracted on you for that long IS NOT useless like the above poster was saying...at first glance he's just e-peening kills but you have to think about it...it does help your team to keep enemy healers CC'd...distracted....healing themselves only...busy...dead. Still five stars.

I am sorry but I don't buy into that BS, you could say the same thing about farming mid or the GY.

Farming mid excuse = I am distracting people from getting to our FC or from healing theirs

Farming GY excuse = I am suppressing the other teams offense from getting to our FC.

I like to see goal oriented game play and that is capping flags and returning flags. Or play that leads directly to capping and returning by one of your teammates.
Entertaining vid, not, but I liked it, but I felt like I wasted 10 minutes of my life. But I did like it, not even trolling

Favourite part was ofc the chicken nodding to the music.
Grabco said:
Or play that leads directly to capping and returning by one of your teammates.

check 2:16 in the video where he uses Wing Clip - Spell - World of Warcraft on two enemies chasing his flag carrier...he does have teamplay in there...and I still consider keeping healers busy/dead team play.

...nobody plays pvp and says "Well I slowed the two chasing our flag carrier guess i can sit here and die now." There are situations where you have to deal with enemies regardless of where you are on the field.

I'm against farming mid...it's useless to do so and a lot of us agree with that...you are just trying to hit a hot button issue like mid farming and trying to associate my post with that...sorry for your luck but it's not happening.
Kristopher said:
check 2:16 in the video where he uses Wing Clip - Spell - World of Warcraft on two enemies chasing his flag carrier...he does have teamplay in there...and I still consider keeping healers busy/dead team play.

...nobody plays pvp and says "Well I slowed the two chasing our flag carrier guess i can sit here and die now." There are situations where you have to deal with enemies regardless of where you are on the field.

I'm against farming mid...it's useless to do so and a lot of us agree with that...you are just trying to hit a hot button issue like mid farming and trying to associate my post with that...sorry for your luck but it's not happening.

Did you ever think that?

THE HEALERS ARE KEEPING YOU BUSY SO YOU DON"T KILL THE FC. I do this all the time even if I know i'm going to die eventually.
would say the prot pala and priest is keeping you busy from spamming unhealable hunterdmg into their FC
Turtlezyo said:
would say the prot pala and priest is keeping you busy from spamming unhealable hunterdmg into their FC

I agree the epic priest pally 2v1 was pretty good and I like some of the forward disengages seen throughout the video. However, during the time he was hanging around in mid while the offense and defense were in need of help which is evidenced by the double flag return around 8:34 reseting both flags. It's not a horrible video but it confirms my stereotype of mid farming hunters and the fact that WSG is worse off now than it used to be even though people in Ruin battlegroups are getting more pops.
Grabco: You're right but that all depends on how twinked and skilled the healer is. An example is against priest healing the FC...a lot of times I keep pressure on the FC so you have to heal him but what I'm really doing is building 3 charges of holy power...if you're a priest I'm waiting for a team mate to wear off your shield...as soon as its gone I switch to you and go for the 2 shot...preferably while you are also busy casting a heal on the FC.

This doesn't always work out...sometimes healers are just too skilled and need to get CC'd. At any rate were gonna go in circles on this and yes I understand it can work both ways...I've been worked by healers before and it will happen again. :D
Pretty good video! I only had time to watch the first 3 minutes but it was very cool for a new hunter twink from what I saw. Keep up the good work!
whats wrong with mid farming? I always win list when i farming at graveyarde. I don't care about capping flag cos i have all honor gear i need:) i just kill bads in grave ahhahaXDD

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