Vandor changes made to items with lvl-to-use restriction -> purchase restrictions !

Vendor changes made to items with lvl-to-use restriction -> purchase restrictions

Found out, that items which have a lvl-retstriction-to-use, cant be brought now either, UNLESS u have the appropiate level.

Example :

ur lvl 39 and want to buy some morning glory dew for whatever reason ->

before patch : U could buy it but just not use urself , but mail it, sell it etc

now after patch : U cant even buy it , it says "u must reach lvl 45 to purchase that item"

That may have serious impact on twinks whatever bracket ->

e.g quests where u have to supply stuff to the questgiver for compelting the quest - eg the calmette suprise quest.

Atm u can still mail/trade(?)it to ur char by another higherlvl char - but who knows what comes next.

p.s just came to my mind that the dalaran ring achievment for twinks isnt possible anymore with that change ... (for those ppl who have too much gold )

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