EU+US Using timewarped badges at 20-29


Royal Member
I have been thinking which reputations should I grind before, so I started looking for which ones have useful items for 20-29

-bc, lich, cata ---> Just need friendly to get their tabards (pandaria-draenor needs exalted) I still need to know if the reps we can grind with timewalking coins of this 3 expansions have any other interesting item for 20-29, (just 6 timewalking coin to arrive friendly = 50x6 = 300coins)

-the anglers ---> I think this one has the better items: recipes, pet, fishing rods, consumible, mount, toy and tabard.

-the klaxxi ---> in honored we have

Help me to complete this post pls! ^^
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I was going to look into this myself. I just got my Hunter to Revered with Anglers so was looking at which rep to grind next. I'll let u know what I find as I am also looking for potentially useful items for Vets / 20's.
Anglers is definitely the most useful as there is quite a lot of gear that can be brought - though only sub'd Vets and 29's can buy the items due to cost.
Let's see what we can come up with!:)

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