[US] WTS/WTT Multiple Accounts. Twink Accounts + Main Account. [US]

Let's begin..

I'm looking to trade more so than sell but we'll see..



Level 80 Orc Shaman with 5.2k GS an Ele set, Resto set and Enhance set. Revered with Ashen Verdict

Grand Black War Mammoth (passenger mount) Epic Flying. Not a lot of Gold. Dual Spec.

Level 80 Gnome Death Knight with 5559k GS. Has Bryntroll as a 2h. Dual Spec. Has a Tank set with like 5.3k GS. Epic Flying. Not a lot of Gold. Almost Honored with Ashen Verdict.

61 Human Warrior with Nether Rocket

60 Human Lock

58 Night Elf Hunter

70 Night Elf Druid with Dual Spec, Reg Flying.

Also on this B.Net was an account I used for RaF with a 60 Lock, 60 warrior and a 30 something druid.

Also on this account is my Old Twink account:

19 Orc Warrior with SF has good prot stuff. Needs hat and AGM.

19 Tauren Shaman with nice gear, Maxed Fishing.

17 Undead Priest with almost all of its gear Enchanted and Ready and has a lot of mats for I think a few more enchants.


70 Twink Blood Elf Paladin has Dual Spec, a set for Prot, Holy and a Prot PvP set which you could Convert into a Ret set. Mixed with Blues and epics. Has Reg flying and like 800 Gold. In one of the Top Raiding Guilds on the server.

A level 1 Twink that has some okay stuff, nothing that's hard to get. Oceanic Realm. EDIT: Has the Ruby Shades which you can't get from a vendor anymore.


60 Twink Orc Rogue, has a really good set for PvP, has all the Boss Drops from AQ40 for T2.5 has Dual Spec. Combat + Sub. Reg Flying. Vanilla Capped. Not a lot of Gold. 375 Mining

60 Undead Priest, not really a twink just leveled it for the hell of it. Has like 50 Gold.

I can get on Most of these character to show you them ingame.
Check ur pm

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