US WTS my 19 rogue


WTS my 19 rogue

WTS 19 rogue Namaz for gold (also included is a 70 hunter).


Game time expires June 6th so the sooner the better. I'm looking to get 6000g+ offers since Shadowfang sells for 6000g.

Can also update some screenshots at requests so you see how much XP till leveling and what area's are discovered. I know he is missing Lucky Fishing Hat and Legging's of the Fang. Haven't updated gear since 3.1. Otherwise this twink is perfect.
It sickens me to see that good of a twink getting sold after all your hard work. That is despicable. If I were to buy Shadowfang + Assassin's Blade, I wouldin't trade my twink for the world.
How much for your rogue?
"If I were to buy Shadowfang + Assassin's Blade, I wouldin't trade my twink for the world. "

Im currently leveling my old 19 rogue with both of those, hes lvl 25 now, cant wait to get him to 39s!!!
Hi there,

Is the xfer up on this toon? I might consider buying it. Do you have full info for it? Is it the only toon on the account? Is it linked with a battlenet account? What server would you need the gold on?
Alteffour said:
"If I were to buy Shadowfang + Assassin's Blade, I wouldin't trade my twink for the world. "

Im currently leveling my old 19 rogue with both of those, hes lvl 25 now, cant wait to get him to 39s!!!

Your are... one retarded person. lol. <3
Twinkytoes said:
It sickens me to see that good of a twink getting sold after all your hard work. That is despicable. If I were to buy Shadowfang + Assassin's Blade, I wouldin't trade my twink for the world.

I agree. Especially with 2 [ITEM]12006[/ITEM] of Eluding...

Hello, just to let everyone know:

No character has every been transfered.

The Account is still active and ready to use.

Does not have WOTLK currently attached to the account.

You must transfer to Oceanic Server Barthilas with the gold (Alliance).

Account has a 70 NE hunter (greens,blues) and some low level alts.

Alteffour said:
"If I were to buy Shadowfang + Assassin's Blade, I wouldin't trade my twink for the world. "

Im currently leveling my old 19 rogue with both of those, hes lvl 25 now, cant wait to get him to 39s!!!

been there, done that XD
Regardless of anything, [ITEM]Assassin's Blade[/ITEM] is a horrible offhand. It's got .2 less DPS than [ITEM]Wingblade[/ITEM], and Wingblade has 1.5 stats over it, and [ITEM]Cruel Barb[/ITEM] has half a stat over it.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Regardless of anything, [ITEM]Assassin's Blade[/ITEM] is a horrible offhand. It's got .2 less DPS than [ITEM]Wingblade[/ITEM], and Wingblade has 1.5 stats over it, and [ITEM]Cruel Barb[/ITEM] has half a stat over it.

I wouldnt go as far as saying its a horrible offhand. If I use it as an offhand I still crit over 200's. I find Theifs better for the added crit % and most people would simply use it for ambushes, it is still the best opener weapon. I can see him easily getting 6k for his account, as long as he has enough xp to get the fang stuff he never picked up.
Diiesel said:
I wouldnt go as far as saying its a horrible offhand. If I use it as an offhand I still crit over 200's. I find Theifs better for the added crit % and most people would simply use it for ambushes, it is still the best opener weapon. I can see him easily getting 6k for his account, as long as he has enough xp to get the fang stuff he never picked up.

Jesus Christ when will people learn that sacrificing 1.3 DPS and 2 Stamina for an extra 2 Agility is NOT a good idea.

[ITEM]Wingblade[/ITEM] destroy [ITEM]Thief's Blade[/ITEM]. AB is a good opener, nothing but, and your crits have nothing to do with your OH's DPS and how it compares to other OH's. It's Mediocre at best now for an OH, if even that.
I'm willing to let this account go for 6k gold. Must transfer to me. 100% legit deal. Being my account from day 1.

Will be great for patch 3.2, with the added feature of not gaining any XP.
Not going to lie. I would use TB over WB. Why? TB is so much sexier =D and at some point sexier > 1.3 DPS and 2 stam =)

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